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Japanese crossword «Weightlifter»

Size: 13x9Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:27.07.21Author: mindscrub

Chorton (28 July 2021, 1:28) complain
Interesting series!
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The-Nono-Gram (28 July 2021, 1:39) complain
It is and very well done!
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msat (28 July 2021, 4:23) complain
I expect we'll be seeing more of these...
ultracritical (30 July 2021, 9:23) complain
The solid line of pixels at row 3 makes this a good puzzle for beginners, but despite that never feels like a gimme. There is enough logic at work here to require at least a minute worth of solving, which is decent considering the density of the pixels. There's nothing wrong with a simple puzzle when the creator has obviously considered each step in the process as mindscrub seems to do here.

The image is not my cup of tea, but I'm rarely a fan of this style. As that is completely subjective, I won't dwell on it. My strongest critique comes from the (spoiler*) area. The (spoiler**) seems to be proportional to the body, which leaves the (spoiler***) looking much too long given the placement of the (spoiler***). The item the subject is holding masks this to some extent, but once noticed it's hard to ignore. That said, the sense of action is nice for the size.

Overall: just OK.
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ultracritical (30 July 2021, 9:24) complain
*: head and neck
**: head
***: neck
***: shoulders
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Author mindscrub (4 August 2021, 2:16) complain
Have to say I agree; a smaller version was rejected by the moderators. I enlarged it and made the image clearer, but the compromises you noted are still unfortunate.
Joshua7689 (1 August 2021, 11:45) complain
This puzzle is far too easy. However considering it was one of mindscrubs later works, it is kind of a let-down. However the avid puzzler shouldn't doubt as mindscrub is one of the best puzzle creators on nonograms.org.
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Author mindscrub (4 August 2021, 2:18) complain
Thanks. Sadly, not every idea makes for the perfect nonogram, but they can still be OK enough.
kate1007 (13 June 2023, 20:03) complain
Lorenzo Baker
juliadesigns (12 September 2023, 20:43) complain
I dont really care...this is great! I feel like this is one of the few times ive had my mind scrubbed and walked away with a bit leftover.
andy11 (11 August 2024, 18:34) complain
Doing this took a weight of my mind...
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