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Japanese crossword «Nurse»

Size: 130x160Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:01.07.21Author: wrozlaw

lenmae (2 July 2021, 22:39) complain
Super Tedious
hubert (4 July 2021, 15:41) complain
So large! Lots of scrolling. But in the end very satisfying to see the picture take shape.
marti36 (11 July 2021, 17:27) complain
I love when the images are so large! And it's worth it in the end
Guylaine (11 July 2021, 22:57) complain
The difficulty in this puzzle resides only in its size, which makes it difficult not to make mistakes from time to time. In itself, it is of average difficulty, even easy. Nonetheless, it is pleasurable to solve and the picture is nice. Thank you!
logicdude61 (13 July 2021, 22:32) complain
For w/e reason, NEW Black & White Xtra-Xtra Large puzzles are super rare. A shame, for me, anyway. Yes this puzzle was in its own way rather easy, its sheer SIZE being the difficulty, but I enjoyed it immensely and hope the author and/or others will be inspired to add more!
tbturker (15 July 2021, 20:41) complain
It was a pleasant puzzle, with a good picture. Thanks.
Ali27 (23 July 2021, 20:20) complain
I enjoyed it very much, thank you!
squashmarks (28 July 2021, 1:37) complain
8:40 for me, and I don't understand how the average time is 8:15. I did it as fast as I could
Leodian (21 August 2021, 11:41) complain
Great picture. Took forever. One of these days they'll put the numbers at both ends.
show: 1 🗨
Hayleym (2 March 2024, 5:47) complain
praying for it, or when you scroll the it stays at the top of your screen
Spiros (24 May 2022, 20:12) complain
Appreciated effort but unreasonably huge for its content given this resolution.
Thank you ...!!!.
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