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Japanese crossword «Juggler»

Size: 6x13Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:26.06.21Author: mindscrub

Excellent tiny job! AND a hard puzzle for its size.
Ahahanita (27 June 2021, 1:45) complain
Wow intricate.!
3strikesurout (27 June 2021, 2:10) complain
I agree with Alicia in thinking that this is a fairly tricky puzzle. I at least think it's harder than the 1.5 star rating that the computer gave it. And it's also an excellent picture.
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Chorton (27 June 2021, 2:46) complain
I agree quite tricky!
The-Nono-Gram (27 June 2021, 8:49) complain
Tricky, but pretty easily doable without using Xs.
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Joshua7689 (27 June 2021, 9:35) complain
Agreed, I believe the 1.5 star difficulty rating was more appropriate.
Sheryl_Hill (27 June 2021, 22:47) complain
Amazing! Thank you!!!
ultracritical (28 June 2021, 6:53) complain
With this attempt, mindscrub delivers a half-hearted rendition that is somehow both too cluttered to accurately discern and too simplistic to be taken as anything more than an abstract shape. While the level of difficulty (2 stars as of this review) seems correct, the effort required to solve the puzzle is not rewarded by the result. The current picture rating (3.5 stars) seems inflated by fans of the constructor as this image does not hold up against puzzles with a comparable rating. Overall, a forgettable endeavor.
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romuloescamilla (28 June 2021, 19:19) complain
really??? Let's agree to disagree, I think it's close to a masterpiece, tricky but fun. the result is amazing for the size
Author mindscrub (29 June 2021, 6:29) complain
While I do appreciate the ultracritical eye here, and the support of the 2-star difficulty, I have to disagree on the picture quality. You need to consider the simplifications needed to fit an image into a 6x13 space. It is always my goal for images to be recognizable without the title, and I think this one is pretty clear. I don't like to compromise picture quality to increase difficulty, and after considerable juggling, I believe I succeeded. As for half-hearted, it still took me quite a few iterations to do this small one, even if it was easier than the big ones. I try to render images in the smallest size that does them justice, including my biggest ones, and this one didn't need to be any bigger. (I am not going to reveal what word in this comment is a spoiler so that I don't have to tag it as a spoiler.)
Ruruskadoo (10 July 2021, 3:11) complain
I rarely consider pictures of this size to be beautiful; usually they aren't even recognizable. This is both recognizable and FAR more importantly enjoyable to solve. There are lots of boring puzzles out there with lots of 1s and symmetry and I think enjoyment is really underrated. We're given an option to rate how the picture and difficulty, but we should have one for how fun it is too.
You seem to feel that people have a fondness for certain creators for no reason, but from my experience the people who tend to have a following are those who are able to make puzzles that are fun or challenging to solve and that even at small sizes are easily recognizable.
If you want a "pretty" picture there are lots of symmetrical ladybugs or penguins out there, plenty of full color video game sprites that due to the dithering are just alternating rows of 1s all over. Plants that have 4 different but very similar shades of green too. Very boring to solve, but hey the final image is nicely shaded if that's all you're after.
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ultracritical (10 July 2021, 12:46) complain
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, and I agree wholeheartedly that enjoying a puzzle is a third metric beyond difficulty and image quality that should always be considered. Of the three, enjoyment would have to be the most subjective. One can enjoy solving a puzzle that has a disappointing image, and one can breeze through a simplistic puzzle that offers no challenge and love the results. Enjoyment may not conflate the other two metrics. For what it's worth, I enjoyed solving this puzzle but was underwhelmed with the result.
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ultracritical (10 July 2021, 12:46) complain
I do not feel people have a fondness for certain creators without reason. But I do believe people are apt to grade a puzzle higher when it is from a favorite creator. It is very difficult to be impartial. When I reviewed the puzzle the image was rated at 3.5 stars. It is now an even 3. I feel my initial critique in that matter was just.

Finally, at no point did I say I was looking for a pretty or symmetrical image. I want a puzzle that challenges me as a solver and rewards my efforts in turn. This puzzle did not meet my expectation. In my review I was blunt about this. Maybe that offended you. But to insinuate that is "all [I'm] after" is to unjustly diminish my ability to think critically about the aforementioned metrics and apply them in a review. Maybe next time before assuming you know what 'I'm after', take a moment to see if your conclusion is back up by evidence. In this case, you missed the mark.
Donncomma (29 June 2021, 2:07) complain
Looked abstract until I noticed the 3 juggling balls (before I saw the title). Masterpiece!
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Donncomma (29 June 2021, 2:09) complain
Sorry, meant to use Spoiler :(
Ahahanita (30 June 2021, 2:18) complain
Nice and original! Keep up the good work, thank you!
prentice (12 July 2021, 9:59) complain
great image quality for a tiny puzzle! Took thinking to complete, and very satisfied with the picture!
emilynovak (27 July 2021, 22:24) complain
I love it! Very lively picture for something so tiny!
David_King (12 September 2021, 11:09) complain
Wonderful for such a tiny image. Thank you, mindscrub.
brumeux77 (6 November 2021, 23:14) complain
He needs a little work on his posture.
Celandine (6 June 2022, 6:37) complain
Excellent! I'm not sure how these few pixels conveys the theme, but they do! Thank you, mindscrub.
andy11 (13 August 2024, 23:28) complain
and bow legged.
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