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Русский English

Japanese crossword «Rebus (in Russian)»

Size: 35x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:16.06.21Author: wrozlaw

dardol (17 June 2021, 19:24) complain
trochę liczenia ale idzie
bisondele (17 June 2021, 22:04) complain
I don't get it.
show: 1 🗨
Specky1 (21 June 2021, 16:09) complain
Yeah , how about an explanation for your Non-Russian fans Wrozlaw ?
prentice (13 July 2021, 4:22) complain
Substitutions Е = Ё (Ye = Yo) and Н = ш (N = Sh) over a giant Ж (Zh), but since I don't understand the other part of the image I don't know what word the letters are supposed to be substituting. Can anyone describe the rest of the image?
show: 1 🗨
SylverDragon (24 July 2021, 23:25) complain
In the thumbnail it looks like the head of an elephant with a large tusk. So бивень, but I can’t do the manipulation to figure out what it is.
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