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Japanese crossword «Klipspringer»

Size: 40x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:28.05.21Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

HanjieMaster (29 May 2021, 15:01) complain
Very nice. Great image as ever. Some 2D logic required on the RHS to get started. Very enjoyable.
wisekaren (30 May 2021, 0:19) complain
Wow, that was great! Really interesting use of logic - it seemed more about what couldn't go where than what had to go where. Very enjoyable to solve, and a terrific image.
GulfCoastGuppy (31 May 2021, 0:36) complain
Just as beautiful and your color puzzles!
Ellymayc (3 January 2024, 1:37) complain
Lovely. Breakfast for you, Big_Angry_Wolf?
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