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Japanese crossword «Battleship "Sovetsky Soyuz"»

Size: 194x33Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:27.05.21Author: misterbigsmouk

SylverDragon (28 May 2021, 4:13) complain
Amazing detail! Most of the effort is scrolling, but worth it.
Janet (28 May 2021, 9:52) complain
Exhausting but irresistible! Thank you :))
lenmae (28 May 2021, 10:58) complain
Well, that was a slog
Little_H (28 May 2021, 11:58) complain

I would find it really useful to have the numbers at both side on such large puzzles.
show: 1 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (28 May 2021, 19:06) complain
Agree! Absolutely fantastic!
kbi10 (28 May 2021, 13:52) complain
with the full screen mode, it keeps the numbers to the left when we scroll.
So this one was easy.
the picture is very good wit ha lot of details.
show: 2 🗨
HanjieMaster (28 May 2021, 19:09) complain
I would be interested to know how you could scroll to the right hand end? I put it in full screen and could zoom in up to about the middle but could not work out how to scroll to the right hand side.

There wasn't as much scrolling from left to right as I thought there might be anyway.
show: 1 🗨
Aphex (30 May 2021, 1:09) complain
drag with the middle mouse button
ndorphin1219 (28 May 2021, 17:07) complain
Second Little_H's suggestion of having numbers on both sides. Amazing picture, but painstaking.
edloughrey (29 May 2021, 11:40) complain
laurablues (29 May 2021, 16:14) complain
I wish I had tried full screen. Scrolling left and right constantly trying to remember the numbers made this exhausting. Otherwise, it was not difficult.
tbturker (1 June 2021, 14:22) complain
Lots of scrolling. I even don't know how to put the puzzle in full screen mode.
sstjeb (4 June 2021, 3:56) complain
This is a really good one.
deidaq (24 June 2021, 20:36) complain
The thumbnail is amazing! Loved this one. I've done bigger puzzles like this with lots of scrolling that were really annoying, but this one wasn't too bad to finish off the right side and then finish out in full screen mode. Thank you!
Minot (30 June 2021, 10:23) complain
My skill of drawing straight lines improved thanks to this puzzle xD
ybl_8257 (10 October 2021, 22:05) complain
Battleships ain't my thang, but the photo was well thought out.
half0136 (17 January 2023, 12:32) complain
that was really fun to do actually lol
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