Japanese crossword «Yak»
Size: 20x20 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 15.05.21 | Author: Lalopop |
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The hints are "smart." You can use them to learn the Rules for Solving. ;)
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Where I got stuck was that it took me forever to figure out where the 2 had to go in the bottom row. Once I figured that out, it was smooth sailing.
So much fun and so lovely! This puzzle made my day (if you don't know the idiom, Lalopop--that's a very good thing! Spasibo!!!
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Was a challenge to solve and a challenge to see the picture.Very good!
replyFantastic challenge! I can really feel the ol' brain gears cranking when I do your puzzles, Lalopop!
replyMy daughter used to give a nature tour with these guys. They loved her, came trotting up to her tour bus, & rubbed up against her. 2nd best for making mozzarella cheese (water buffalo are #1). Queen CC shares more strange tidbits!
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quite difficult to get started but once I took a hint and made a mistake, it went along
replyGlad for the title. It's very clear once you know. But the best I could come up with was a vulture-raptor.
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Wonderful puzzle! Quite a bit of challenge, and the ending came in a very fun rush.
replyMy thoughts on finishing the puzzle was "emo cow?" So yeah, not too far off :D