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Japanese crossword #4353

Size: 4x6Picture:5/10Difficulty:2/10Added:12.05.15Author: Alkor



Guest: Volume (21 May 2015, 5:05) complain
What is it supposed to be?
Guest: ggg (27 May 2015, 11:25) complain
too small to be what its trying to be
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Minecrafter (5 March 2021, 16:44) complain
Guest: Batman (29 June 2015, 12:49) complain
It is a giraffe running with its hair on fire.
Guest: guillermo (14 July 2015, 15:43) complain
little dog
Guest: 666 (28 July 2015, 7:25) complain
rapidash from pokemon
Guest: ali (29 August 2015, 17:51) complain
22 seconds but what is it?
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Constructor (24 January 2020, 15:23) complain
It is a tiny goat
Guest: Christmas time (31 August 2015, 1:33) complain
I believe it is a Yule Goat
Guest: Laura (6 September 2015, 6:22) complain
A man is sitting on the bus station
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Meep (30 March 2020, 12:27) complain
I can see it lol :)
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eagertomato (16 September 2021, 18:31) complain
me too
Maburg (24 May 2023, 18:14) complain
Also me.
Guest: me! (7 October 2015, 4:24) complain
19 sec and reindeer?
Guest: Tamin (7 November 2015, 10:11) complain
Guys I think it's an antelope...
Guest: Anna (6 December 2015, 0:47) complain
A reindeer
Eva (15 January 2016, 16:49) complain
It sure is tiny.
senpengeu (26 March 2016, 20:40) complain
cute gazelle!
Jaylee_James (8 June 2016, 22:54) complain
Aww it's adorable! 14 seconds! ;) tiniest nonogram!
Guest: Michael R (10 June 2016, 15:18) complain
Nice Dog
Guest: W4R10CK (5 August 2016, 15:21) complain
A simple but nice puzzle, thanks.
Guest: Pieta (27 September 2016, 22:00) complain
..maybe it is the Japanese sign for Tiny Goat...
m4jind3vil (29 October 2016, 15:11) complain
super goat :)
Emm (15 November 2016, 11:04) complain
Very simple and cute
Guest: rty (19 November 2016, 6:12) complain
Maybe a... ya goat
mikegivesback (27 January 2017, 2:40) complain
Cute and simple.
Guest: Bethany. D (20 March 2017, 9:33) complain
Cute tiny goat! (10 secs!!)
Marycha (23 March 2017, 1:39) complain
ancient Egyptian goat
dylan_oliver (23 May 2017, 18:05) complain
Guest: hi123 (31 May 2017, 22:26) complain
15 seconds
Guest: Jenn (5 January 2018, 9:29) complain
Good practice I suppose but I had no clue what the picture was until I saw the heading.
Noramros (7 January 2018, 0:18) complain
Lmao sooo tiny
Sheryl_Hill (7 January 2018, 2:06) complain
Love this conversation! I don't know whether to vote for giraffe with hair on fire or ancient Egyptian goat. It's probably not a Japanese symbol (This is a Russian-hosted site and, like most of the artists, Alkor's first language is Russian).
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Richard1405 (3 June 2018, 3:17) complain
The conversation gave me more enjoyment than the puzzle did!
Karal_Daskin (11 January 2018, 7:28) complain
10 seconds. Good for the size.
Chris_Zorakj (26 February 2018, 20:27) complain
Guest: yue ku xian ren (26 March 2018, 5:18) complain
See a lot of people finished this within 10 seconds. It took me 0:00:35
covigirl (9 May 2018, 5:40) complain
took me 16 seconds
Risus_Khan (9 June 2018, 3:16) complain
Is it really cute? Come on!!! (8sec)
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Christiana_Bradshaw (12 June 2018, 5:36) complain
Yes, it really is. To some people. So?
Guest: FlappyDuck (8 July 2018, 13:29) complain
It doesn't look like a goat
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Guest: FlappyDuck (8 July 2018, 13:31) complain
Guest: kourtlyn lacey (5 September 2018, 19:27) complain
this was an amazing piece
Kieubasiarz (4 November 2018, 16:24) complain
A poodle with ears on the wind, I'd say.
brumeux77 (14 November 2018, 20:40) complain
I saw the goat instantly. But for some of you, it looks like this puzzle really got your goat. :D
MyDesiredName (12 December 2018, 20:58) complain
wow so cute
Weedzard (20 February 2019, 21:07) complain
Well this was short.
geeandseefeuds (7 April 2019, 21:00) complain
gotta start somewhere
JM700042 (9 April 2019, 21:17) complain
Considering the amount of space to work with, I think it resembles a goat!
KoolKidz112 (19 August 2019, 0:03) complain
what is this
Guest: Ebony14 (31 August 2019, 9:30) complain
26 sec.
Guest: tiny goat lover (25 September 2019, 4:15) complain
Guest: Lynx of the jungle (7 October 2019, 22:10) complain
I think it is supposed to be a goat
chris_period (15 November 2019, 6:27) complain
g o a t
Guest: Elver Galarga (3 December 2019, 14:31) complain
OO ma god so CUTEEEEE u laik it wawawawwawawawawawwaaaaa
Waitinghelicop7 (6 January 2020, 0:01) complain
it was really tiny! I can see the picture!
Guest: chonicloud (5 February 2020, 12:08) complain
8 seconds and I can kinda see the goat
Guest: rezo (14 February 2020, 22:26) complain
Pixel5940 (29 March 2020, 21:57) complain
Smallest color nonogram: 5x5=25
Smallest b&w nonogram (this one): 4x6=24

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eagertomato (16 September 2021, 18:33) complain
laurend (31 March 2020, 5:03) complain
8 seconds...
Guest: Trekkie (4 April 2020, 8:31) complain
Well, that happened.
JesseMartell (19 April 2020, 1:26) complain
Pretty dumb
Too small to be a good picture
CosmicBoy (16 July 2020, 7:25) complain
tiny wtf the image
Eve32 (24 July 2020, 1:57) complain
Nice simple pic
HopperRabbit (3 August 2020, 18:09) complain
Um... small. But you cant fit much detail anyway.
Rur (4 August 2020, 1:10) complain
so cute! i love it
BrAve (21 October 2020, 14:12) complain
looks like unicorn :)
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BrAve (21 October 2020, 14:12) complain
with no horn :\
TheEmpressOfShadows (11 November 2020, 7:29) complain
That took all of five seconds XD I can’t really make out what it’s supposed to be, though...
camille (19 November 2020, 1:25) complain
Greatest of all time
CraftySnake (19 November 2020, 3:41) complain
is this the smallest puzzle on the site?
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Cyclone248 (16 April 2021, 2:33) complain
I believe its the second smallest
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eagertomato (16 September 2021, 18:33) complain
what is the first smallest...?
Cyclone248 (16 April 2021, 2:33) complain
10 seconds
RhondaKay (22 June 2021, 1:10) complain
Thanks for puzzle. Great job!
Kkbear0105 (17 August 2021, 23:17) complain
i love it! it's cute.
eagertomato (16 September 2021, 18:35) complain
FINALLY! 5 secs!
msat (29 January 2022, 15:18) complain
Took me longer to read the comments than to do the puzzle. :)
kimonodragon (18 March 2022, 17:14) complain
14 seconds lol
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kimonodragon (18 March 2022, 17:14) complain
i mean 13
Akhyra (28 September 2023, 4:04) complain
So great.
ilovetoon1 (14 February 2024, 23:25) complain
0.27 n!cee
Alssan (20 August 2024, 18:19) complain
I can see it I think
etteirrah (20 January 2025, 13:06) complain
Good one!
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