Japanese crossword «Lemur»
Size: 15x20 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 07.05.21 | Author: Lalopop |
Beautiful use of a small space, and the impression of lines!
replySo I did this twice, figuring I did it the hard way the first time around, and apparently that was true. My first time took me nearly 20 minutes, my second time less than 9 minutes. There must have been some things I picked up for that second run-through that I didn't notice the first time.
replyThis was one of Lalopop's harder puzzles. She mentioned on a different puzzle that she is concerned with level of difficulty. Don't be. We're all happy just to do the puzzles you post. Hard is great, but a fun puzzle from a talented constructor is most important!
replyJust nine pixels to sketch a face and it is unmistakable.
Very well done (as always actually)
replyVery well done (as always actually)
Fantastic! I was sailing along merrily until I got totally stuck. So I went and did something else for 10 minutes (scooped the cat boxes, if you must know), and when I came back my next move was staring me right in the face! Love when that happens.
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That's the best way to solve a puzzle. Do something else for a minute. I don't recommend scooping cat boxes (Yuck). It always amazes me when I sit back down and there the answer is right in front of my face.
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Scooping cat boxes every time I get stuck - my cats will be thankfull. They are too lazy to go outside...
replyI'm happy for all of you, really I am ... but I was scooping out the cat boxes and I got stuck. I came and did this puzzle, and when I went back the next movement was staring me right in the face. I hate it when that happens.
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Fantastic! Had to use a hint, which was a "duh" moment. Great image!
replyIt's hard to mark a Lalopop puzzle difficult when difficult is the average for the artist.
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It's always hard to mark difficulty if you use some more or less smart methods though they can be not required to solve a puzzle
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That was a compliment. I love your puzzles. I was remarking that your average is another's hard. So, how are we to let you know when you give us a really hard one...that we'll all love!
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Thank you! Very nice!
This is actually what I should reply for every compliment you (all of you) leave. But while they are unreplied, they lie under the puzzle as a beautiful list, which I reread from time to time)) So I reply when I can add something to "Thank you"!
replyThis is actually what I should reply for every compliment you (all of you) leave. But while they are unreplied, they lie under the puzzle as a beautiful list, which I reread from time to time)) So I reply when I can add something to "Thank you"!
This is exactly the size - difficulty combination I enjoy the most. Furthermore, the result is great. All in all, perfect! Thank you Lalopop!
replyan elegant puzzle and an elegant final result. Bravo. I love how the lines are suggested.
replyI don't mark many pictures as excellent. This one simply is.
replyLovely puzzle, and a puzzler at that, thank you for a great little workout.
replyYou are the first author that I actually decided to solve all puzzles from. You have a unique hand, love your work.
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At first I thought this was maybe an angry taco. Then when I read the title I couldn't see anything else! Well done, this is amazing.
I like how the creature is sort of suggested and you have to squint to see it - but then it's absolutely there! Thank you, lalopop!