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Japanese crossword «Chameleon»

Size: 12x8Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:06.05.21Author: seans

Wonderful little beastie - and my very first without marking squares with 'x' - there is indeed a special pleasure to it.
show: 6 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (7 May 2021, 3:16) complain
Congrats! I've only been doing these for a short time, but I find it fun too with no Xs!
The-Nono-Gram (7 May 2021, 6:54) complain
Congratulations. I know it may seem silly to some but there certainly is a different pleasure when you don't use Xs.
show: 4 🗨
Onono (7 May 2021, 8:39) complain
I did it with all Xs. I know there's something there, but it's so well camouflaged.
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The-Nono-Gram (7 May 2021, 21:02) complain
You suggested one time that I fill in only the Xs. I took the challenge. I'm not sure I'll ever do it again. It's hard enough for me to see what I am supposed to see as I am doing a puzzle so seeing blank space was a little mind confusing for sure.
show: 2 🗨
Onono (7 May 2021, 21:59) complain
And you'll recall that I said at the time that I wasn't serious about using only Xs (but I'm impressed that you could get anywhere with it). Here, on this puzzle, I meant that I filled every square with an X. Any time I'm not clear, it could be that I'm saying something complicated that's hard to understand, but it's far more likely that I'm trying to make a joke and it's falling flat.
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The-Nono-Gram (7 May 2021, 22:34) complain
Actually, I caught your joke. Having said that, I believe I may hold the title of queen of the flat jokes.
GulfCoastGuppy (7 May 2021, 3:15) complain
What a little cutie!
StephenD (7 May 2021, 15:42) complain
Impressively difficult given the size. Great puzzle with a nice picture
smurfslovellamas (7 May 2021, 17:08) complain
Cute little guy!
solversguild (8 May 2021, 13:07) complain
It seems seans isn't the only one having puzzles removed. Earlier there was a teapot puzzle just above this that seems to have been axed.
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brumeux77 (5 November 2021, 20:34) complain
But the next puzzle =is= a teapot.
richardthiebaud (10 May 2021, 19:01) complain
Looks line a mouse to me.
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Stephanie_Cummings (10 May 2021, 23:15) complain
I thought so, too. That or a rat
elaaphos (11 May 2021, 21:16) complain
Cute! 2 minutes and 3 seconds for me. Required a bit of thinking, though!
iogurte (16 May 2021, 4:51) complain
Still waiting for it to turn white.
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (11 June 2022, 0:25) complain
Ha ha!
afkaraulia (21 May 2021, 6:34) complain
Pretty *____*
walkingbass (12 February 2024, 13:05) complain
My first one with no X's. Took a while but it was fun!
andy11 (25 August 2024, 23:03) complain
Yes, mouse.
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