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Japanese crossword «Camera»

Size: 25x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:23.03.21Author: Katich

Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (24 March 2021, 7:55) complain
Nice angle.
Mik_Mel (24 March 2021, 12:07) complain
Well done!
sthonnekeri (24 March 2021, 23:50) complain
While working on this, I could not figure it out. It was only when it was done that I could see the picture. Thanks for a great puzzle
The-Nono-Gram (25 March 2021, 9:07) complain
Remember in the old days when people would stare and you would say "Take a picture why dontcha?." Ya', me neither. :-)
show: 2 🗨
Femme_Appeal (1 April 2021, 4:53) complain
Now, now; it's certainly a largely fictional smart-ass remark, but not to the degree of something like "Calgon, take me away!"

I definitely used "Take a picture; it'll last longer" a few times in my teens and twenties - even if primarily at creepy guys staring at me on the bus. :)
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (1 April 2021, 4:58) complain
I forgot all about using the Calgon remark...I mean hearing others use it. But, they weren't talking to me, of course. :-)
David_King (7 April 2021, 13:15) complain
Great perspective. Spasibo, Katich.
Chorton (14 May 2022, 13:38) complain
Wow takes me back in time
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