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Japanese crossword «Northern Lights»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:27.02.21Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

tbturker (28 February 2021, 15:10) complain
There are puzzles, which are hard to solve, but it's fun to struggle. This one is absolutely not my type. Although the resulting picture is excellent, I hated solving this one. Used all the hints and made lots of mistakes.
tipili (28 February 2021, 19:30) complain
This was hard one, almost gave up. But I struggled until the end and the image is great!
Foxyville (28 February 2021, 21:22) complain
I feel like this would have been both prettier and easier as a colored picture.
deidaq (1 March 2021, 0:46) complain
I loved this. A great struggle, but I was able to do it without hints. A great image, creative!
Pedestrianfury (2 March 2021, 8:27) complain
Quite hard to solve, but perfectly doable with a little patience. The image is so very worth the thousand tiny steps, thank you!
Guylaine (15 May 2021, 3:38) complain
What a great puzzle! Possibly the best over the 256 I have done so far. Very difficult, yet doable in less than 2 hours with no hints! Great job!
sallyannlady (30 July 2022, 6:01) complain
I don't think I would have known without the thumbnail. Quite good, even in black & white.
Robert1879 (20 September 2023, 16:36) complain
great difficulty without being tedious
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