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Japanese crossword «Rooster»

Size: 15x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:14.02.21Author: seans

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The-Nono-Gram (15 February 2021, 0:25) complain
The ruler!
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (15 February 2021, 0:51) complain
Love the tough ones in small spaces.
fqirytqles (15 February 2021, 1:41) complain
Another fun quickie!
torwul (15 February 2021, 7:51) complain
Nice, thank you.
latonella (15 February 2021, 12:02) complain
I can't believe I'm stuck on such a small puzzle
zenonogramza (15 February 2021, 15:03) complain
really took me 6 minutes to beat a 15x15
wisekaren (15 February 2021, 16:06) complain
That turned out to be trickier than I expected!
smeuse (15 February 2021, 22:35) complain
Really had to reach for some different logic on this one!
Fadderuttan (16 February 2021, 23:00) complain
Is it even possible to solve this one without "cheating" (using hints) or guessing (and be corrected if wrong)?

I'm totally stuck, and don't want to do either... /c:
show: 2 🗨
Fadderuttan (16 February 2021, 23:12) complain
Yes, it was actually possible. But man... that was a though one! (c:
JUDIT (24 February 2021, 18:59) complain
yes, it's always possible theoretically. But this was really hard. I came to a couple of places where I had to say, ok, If the row of 6 is on this side of that one X, then I'm going to have to have a 3 somewhere there and it can't be a 3, cuz it's only 2s on that side... that's just an example, I can't remember exactly where I finally found a conflict. I had to try that kind of logic more than once without finding anything.

It's frustrating, but very satisfying when you finally find a key.
Monkeyshine (14 July 2021, 6:23) complain
Reminds me of Tim Curry in the first role I ever saw him.
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