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Japanese crossword «Leaf»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:26.01.21Author: seans

bromate (27 January 2021, 2:12) complain
it leaves you pleasantly unsurprised, good one seans as usual!
Onono (27 January 2021, 2:59) complain
Good challenge. Not as good a leaf as most of his many others.
The-Nono-Gram (27 January 2021, 5:08) complain
Leave it to Seans to find another way to do this subject. I'll bet he has a million of them. Let's doesn't fall on us to do them all at one time.
show: 2 🗨
msat (28 January 2021, 2:31) complain
It's a treet to do these. Seans does branch out into other series, but these are quite lovely in their own right. We ought... ummm... to give praise to him even if the season's past for that kind of stuff.
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (28 January 2021, 3:57) complain
I'm thankful Seans gives us puzzles every day.
QueenCC (28 January 2021, 18:23) complain
I am also thankful that Sean gives us puzzles every day. But, I would like more subject variety. Please, Sean, show us your more creative side.
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