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Japanese crossword «Fish»

Size: 45x20Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:09.01.21Author: seans

GulfCoastGuppy (10 January 2021, 4:09) complain
Chorton (10 January 2021, 7:20) complain
torwul (10 January 2021, 20:58) complain
Nice one, fun to solve. Thank you.
nuce (18 November 2022, 19:28) complain
Sometimes I find some community rated "hard" puzzles very easy. I guess it depends a lot on the experience of the raters and the methods each person use to solve them. This one meanwhile is rated difficulty 2,5 but it was the hardest one I have solved so far at this site. Not only I had to resort to using "X"s but also took me a lot of time between a couple of days. At the end of the day it is a very nice picture and left a sense of accomplishment. Thank you, seans.
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