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Japanese crossword «Ear»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:01.12.20Author: paul_stansifer

John_Robertshaw (2 December 2020, 2:38) complain
In Yorkshire this is known as a lug oil
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Onono (2 December 2020, 6:30) complain
I ear yer.
iogurte (3 December 2020, 4:07) complain
Cut the leking abart me lad.
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John_Robertshaw (3 December 2020, 12:45) complain
Na then - Ahm wi thi on that - happen tha's fro God's oown an all?
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iogurte (3 December 2020, 20:39) complain
Naw, fro Turkshar blod an bone. Tha'ssen?
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Onono (5 September 2023, 8:40) complain
You weren't included in the long-running discussion following your comment -- we're all confused by "Turkshar", even John-Bob, our resident expert (tho' even I recognise that it must be some shire in England, of which there are plenty).
Maburg (29 August 2023, 9:00) complain
All those comments are slang?
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John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 10:49) complain
No Malburg - not slang - but the dialect used by folk (people) from Yorkshire (known as God's own County).

My comment was to iogurte's use of the word leking - which is an old Yorkshire word for playing - so I was questioning if he / she was from Yorkshire as well.

Now then - I'm with you on that - perhaps you're from God's own as well?

Na then (Now then) - Ahm (I'm) wi (with) thi (thee/you) on that - happen (perhaps) tha's fro (you're from) God's oown (own) an all (as well)?
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Maburg (29 August 2023, 15:05) complain
Ah! Some words I imagine what they may mean, but some others I didn't understand, and they're not in de translator. Thank you.
Maburg (29 August 2023, 15:18) complain
May be the comment of iogurte was something like "stop playing by my side"?
Excuse me, but I'm very curious about languages.
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John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 17:10) complain
No problem - let me explain from the top
The solution to the puzzle is an ear - I made the first comment:
"In Yorkshire this is known as a lug oil"
A lug is something that sticks out from the main body of an object (as in the image of a wing nut below) so a wing nut has lugs.
Ears stick out from your head so they are "lugs in slang"
I wrote "lug oil" - oil is the way that "hole" is pronounced in Yorkshire - so "lug oil" = ear hole.
Onono replied with "I ear yer." He was trying to write "I hear you" in Yorkshire dialect (where the "H" at the beginning of a word is not pronounced) - with a pun on the words ear & hear.
iogurte added,
"Cut the leking abart me lad". = "Stop playing about my man" = "Don't play the fool" = "Be sensible"
John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 17:11) complain

And then:
"Naw, fro Turkshar blod an bone. Tha'ssen?" - Turkshar has me confused - what he / she writes sounds like a good Yorkshire dialect
"Naw," = NO
"fro" = from
"blod an bone" = blood and bone (meaning him / her)
"Tha'ssen?" = Yourself? (Tha = You, sen = self).
"Turkshar" - I'm guessing Turkey - but why would someone from Turkey be fluent in the Yorkshire dialect?
Hope this helps somewhat Maburg?
And now a test for you!
Wheres tha fro Maburg? - If you can answer this correctly - you will be classed as being a honorary Yorkshire person (a very great award)!
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Maburg (29 August 2023, 21:04) complain
Ha ha! I'm from Uruguay.
Right answer?
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John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 22:45) complain
Arise Yorkshire Sir / Yorkshire Madam Maburg. (Honorary)

Do you have a gender?

You got the answer correct - so well done!!!

I hear Uruguay has great beaches - is that right?
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Maburg (29 August 2023, 22:59) complain
Well, I'm a Yorkshire honorary woman.

And yes. We have beautiful beaches. At least for we they are. And many people from other parts says that.
John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 17:12) complain
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (2 December 2020, 3:32) complain
What's that I hear?
torwul (2 December 2020, 6:52) complain
Well, that was a surprise, thank you.
nthpijots (2 December 2020, 10:11) complain
The solution was right 'ere in front of me.
nthpijots (2 December 2020, 10:13) complain
Some of you may remember Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild front ear.

From the Disneyland TV show, a long time ago.
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jlglander (18 December 2020, 1:57) complain
In the original Star Trek they explored the final front ear.
brumeux77 (26 July 2021, 6:18) complain
Killed him a b'ar when he was only three.
halemates (2 December 2020, 22:19) complain
Known in Lincolnshire as a Listener!
Ageleni (5 December 2020, 8:07) complain
That was very unexpected!
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Celandine (3 June 2023, 17:12) complain
Yes, I thought it was a jumping fish in a frame. Delightfully hard but doable without xs
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kate1007 (12 January 2025, 11:38) complain
Me too
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