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Japanese crossword «A room thermometer in summer»

Size: 20x25Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:23.11.20Author: IrenaK

Onono (23 November 2020, 23:59) complain
team_tm (24 November 2020, 1:27) complain
It's 3°C where I am, I need that heat :'(
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Onono (29 November 2020, 8:20) complain
Try absolute zero. It sounds harsh, but it's OK.
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Celandine (26 May 2023, 17:01) complain
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Onono (1 June 2023, 8:25) complain
Indeed. That was unforgivable.
The-Nono-Gram (24 November 2020, 3:38) complain
I can only wish for such mild numbers in the summer. Try 43C with 15% humidity.
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Femme_Appeal (24 November 2020, 12:15) complain
My sentiments exactly. We only break 40C a few times a summer, but our average
humidity is between 65-80% all year long. Thus, our summer heat index is generally around 35C. Meanwhile, January's average 'wind chill' can range from -1C to -10C.

Every year my mother complains about having to run the A/C and the heat within a week of one another, and I tell her the only solution is to leave the Midwest (US). It's many a Spring/Fall season that we've gone from 0C to 30C in two or three days.
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msat (25 November 2020, 11:29) complain
I consider anything above 25C to be too hot. Fortunately, we have few days that even reach 30C, and it's quite dry in the summer. But right now... rain, rain, rain, and more rain, and it's dark and we may still be in the plus numbers, but it chills you to the bone.
Onono (29 November 2020, 8:19) complain
What!? You speak Celsius? I'm impressed.
ggg (24 November 2020, 14:13) complain
It's possible without guessing based on the parts you already solved. Don't be tempted!
torwul (24 November 2020, 17:32) complain
Fun to solve - thanks.
applejujuice (24 November 2020, 17:51) complain
Very original
Giovani_Capeletti (29 April 2021, 10:10) complain
Very good. Only measure needed is Celsius.
Celandine (26 May 2023, 17:04) complain
What is the 59 for? Humidity? This is a pretty mild summer temperature, though I like it slightly cooler in the house
fishnet37222 (11 June 2024, 21:59) complain
In my room, the letter after the degree symbol would be F and the number would be much higher.
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