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Japanese crossword «Parrot»

Size: 40x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:16.11.20Author: seans

daffy0754 (18 November 2020, 14:03) complain
that was a tricky one, I can see all sorts of different pictures in this as i was doing it. brilliant
Lyman_Zerga (24 November 2020, 4:05) complain
A bit more than the 3* it was given. Halfway through I thought it was some kind of weird dog but the final result is satisfying.
The-Nono-Gram (23 December 2020, 23:44) complain
Many ways to portray this subject. Have we seen them all?
kaatjeflipse (4 March 2023, 16:51) complain
Very nice, again!!!
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