Japanese crossword #3692
Size: 15x15 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 06.03.15 |
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Got stuck and had to guess
Picture looks like a pecking bird
is the bird scoping out a chess set or...? what are those lol
That is... clearly a graveyard!
Lower left corner can't be solved without trial and error. I don't like it when I have to work with different copies of a puzzle to solve it.
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A bit challenged :)
tricky but possible with some out of the box thinking :)
Everything can be solved with logic as with all puzzles here, no guessing needed. It was challenging. The pic is disappointing though, I cannot see what's front or back. And a grave yard?
This was pretty darn hard for what you get. I used 2 hints and on both of them I felt silly because I should have seen it.
Not sure why that was given so many difficulty stars. Took me less than 7 minutes, and I don't claim to be that good at these puzzles!
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I found a new solving “thing” on this puzzle and the last one I did! I wish it was describable, but I’m so proud of myself!
Agree with Warix. I don't know why this is rated so difficult.
Hard but solvable. Good image, too.
Maybe they're calling it super difficult because you have to do the technique where you find an empty space by testing what would happen if you imagine an already filled space to be a piece of two different possible segments and noting where those segments could never go no matter how far you slide them while also assuming the already filled space must be a piece of it. You have to do that one time in this puzzle. No guessing needed. Just an advanced technique.
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I agree - hard but solvable. Less than half an hour. And i suspect those are treetops
No guessing needed. No special technique needed. A bit challenging but not that hard. Easy to make mistakes though. It was fun for a moderate pic.
The x in Row 8 Column 9 is the icebreaker
The x in Row 8 Column 9 is the icebreaker
Possible without guessing, I can confirm.
Bird OUT FOR TARGET PRACTICE. doesn't matter if the bits at the bottom are people, places, or things. cute puzzle.