Japanese crossword «Toucan»
Size: 24x28 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 17.09.20 | Author: Battle_Goldfish |
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Anybody ever accuse you of being weird? Said with the utmost respect of weird people because, I too am weird.
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OK, full disclosure. I am not actually weird, but the one I live with is and so are my offspring and theirs, but that has nothing really to do with me. :-) That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Let's just call me a weirdo magnet.
replyNo they can't. At least not without a mask nowadays!
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I am getting lost in this parallel universe of strange - unrelated comments - HELP!
Perhaps because I did think that the feet were some kind of universal joint?
Perhaps because I did think that the feet were some kind of universal joint?
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Congratulations! I guess one never forgets their first.
With all the comments here, it shows that more than two can!
During the pandemics I moved to my mother‘s house to act as the dragon defending the princess on the tower. One day I heard a very strange noise and found out that the noisy neighbor was a toucan. It was really pretty and i saw it quite often, and then ou of a sudden it came no more. A neighbor told me that a scumbag had captured the poor thing and cut the tips of its wings, so it wouldn‘t fly anymore. Really sad. They are in fact not very weel loved beacuse it eats other birds‘ eggs. I don‘t care. I miss my noisy big nosed neighbor.
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I've always been a fan of animals; birds in particular were amazing to me. All throughout my childhood my "favourite bird" would constantly change, but the toucan always remained in my top 3. I hope to one day see a toucan in real life, it would be a childhood dream come true. Thank you for your story, I greatly enjoyed it. I hope the assailant gets what they deserve
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We have a very strict legislation against harming animals in Brazil, but it is hardly ever enforced, unfortunately. Since you like birds, try looking up „saíra-sete-cores„. It is one of my favorite species from the Mata Atlantica, the forest close to the city where I live. They are very colourful (seven colours, to be exact) and are great banana lovers :o)