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Japanese crossword «Bird»

Size: 25x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:09.09.20Author: imari13

Tonste (10 September 2020, 19:47) complain
Probably the most difficult one I've done on this site. Took hours - and spent about an hour and a half just staring without making a single move xD
torwul (10 September 2020, 22:42) complain
Really nice image and a nice challenge as well.Thanx.
mfp (11 September 2020, 9:47) complain
Wow that was a real challenge but great fun and a wonderful picture. Thank you!
wisekaren (11 September 2020, 14:05) complain
I joined this site in June and have been doing several nonograms a day. This was by far the hardest one I've ever done! For the first time ever, I took all 3 hints and then had to just start making guesses. Would love to know which piece of logic I'm missing! Great work, thanks.
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (14 September 2020, 4:40) complain
Be encouraged. These harder puzzles actually often times teach you an approach using a logic you have previously been unaware of. Armed with the newly learned logic, you will find puzzles down the road to be easier. I have read that some people use the hints to see the logic they were missing. I've never used a hint, but I do always operate on the premise that I never have to guess. Then I go over and over the puzzle looking for what I am missing.
HanjieMaster (12 September 2020, 15:41) complain
The piece of logic that you wish to know is the whereabouts of the pieces in columns 24 and 25. These can be deduced by assuming they go in a certain place and finding a contradiction. However, it takes a slightly far fetched amount of deduction to envisage where they go just using your mind. The contradictions sometimes only occur after quite a few steps and so I needed to actually draw them in, find the contradiction and then delete them. But in this way I didn't need to use any hints.
show: 1 🗨
zeitdieb (18 December 2024, 0:23) complain
But this is just "try and error" with autocheck off. Sorry, not my understanding of the logical deduction we are supposed to do here.
The-Nono-Gram (14 September 2020, 4:40) complain
These harder puzzles sure make time fly.
Kalou (30 November 2024, 20:54) complain
Very difficult but very fun, thank's
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