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Japanese crossword «Pirat ship»

Size: 100x78Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:21.08.20Author: Ayzhana

mrneil6 (22 August 2020, 3:57) complain
Excellent work - if a bit sadistic of you to make such a massive and difficult puzzle!
tonyakt1 (25 August 2020, 15:35) complain
it was super nice. Its took a lot of time from me but its worth it! Thank you
Pieternella (30 August 2020, 0:29) complain
It took me a few days,even every cloud and every bird was a puzzle in itself. But what a beautiful picture! My compliments!
Spiros (3 September 2020, 20:43) complain
Fun to solve ...!!!.
Thank you ...!!!.
Ali27 (27 September 2020, 0:36) complain
Really nice picture! Difficult but interesting to solve. Not boring at all. Thank you
jccj (2 November 2020, 14:02) complain
wow that took quite a while but beautiful picture
Guylaine (13 November 2020, 1:10) complain
Interesting to solve! Harder at first then average/simple difficulty afterward. Thank you!
Headrock (12 December 2020, 6:19) complain
Very good. Your puzzles are varied and always surprising.
robi80 (14 August 2021, 16:10) complain
Nice! Thx.
deidaq (10 November 2021, 19:38) complain
I love how crisp the image looks. Great detail, great use of black and white space! Took a while but very enjoyable.
VergZi (25 February 2022, 6:02) complain
I LOVE a good challenge. I had to use all the advanced techniques that I know. It is rare, but this is a real 5 stars difficulty. Great job.
shlomi (4 June 2022, 22:04) complain
took 7 hours but worth it , finally not an animal lol
5/5 it was hard
Grzegorz (17 September 2022, 14:03) complain
I love it! Pretty difficult, but worth it!
Deniz_C (17 June 2024, 2:22) complain
Wow took a while but well worth it, thanks
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