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Japanese crossword «The elder»

Size: 35x34Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:12.08.20Author: YetiY

kost (14 August 2020, 5:15) complain
Solved it without hints, but had to use a lot of try&error. Very difficult puzzle.
Chorton (14 August 2020, 14:24) complain
Yes trial and error!
9thgrs (14 August 2020, 18:37) complain
very nice!
ibun323 (18 August 2020, 6:15) complain
Super challenging (I also needed a bit of trial and error) but absolutely worth it!
Telula (19 August 2020, 7:11) complain
So tricky, but great!
gohogs84 (22 August 2020, 0:46) complain
Very enjoyable challenge. No hints, no guesses, but a LOT of studying the board.
show: 3 🗨
ligeti (23 August 2020, 6:42) complain
No hints, yeah, but no guesses? Wow it seems impossible unless you are a professional chess player capable of seeing many moves ahead in your mind!!. I am not saying it's impossible to other people.
show: 2 🗨
asadsd (11 December 2021, 16:31) complain
it's not rocket science. and it's definitely not impossible for any nonogram puzzle, including this one. i never take guesses myself and i am really bad at chess. you just need a lot of practice.
show: 1 🗨
ComradeYaBoi (21 December 2024, 22:22) complain
You can definitely have nonogram puzzles that are impossible without guesswork, just imagine a 10x10 puzzle with ten dark squares scattered around randomly but in a way that there never is two squares in the same line or column. The info you would get would just be "1" for each row and column without any way to tell where exactly the ten squares are.

Of course that's an extreme example, but generally the less dark squares a puzzle has compared to empty squares, the more likely it is to require guesswork to solve, and I've definitely encountered puzzles on this website that require guesswork before.
The-Nono-Gram (26 August 2020, 8:37) complain
I always keep in mind that you never have to guess. You get one pixel at a time, but others fall in place. Tough, but rewarding puzzle.
Kalou (1 September 2020, 21:10) complain
Very good...
Lon_Chang (9 September 2020, 13:39) complain
Challenging puzzle, but not my cup of tea. Too much counting for filling one square at the time, it took me 2 hour to complete.
Anyway, gorgeous image at the end.
Janet (8 October 2020, 5:24) complain
Nice challenge - thank you :))
Lyman_Zerga (14 June 2021, 15:17) complain
Couldn't see what it was until the very end. Artistic tour de force.
smkim000 (20 August 2021, 3:58) complain
Wow! Haha...
mfp (8 October 2021, 19:15) complain
Great puzzle. Had to be really imaginative in the solving. Very enjoyable and a good challenge. Thank you!
VergZi (4 February 2022, 13:41) complain
Hard all the way arround =)
fredderf (20 December 2022, 15:02) complain
this took me a while. Good puzzle!
Kalou (24 May 2024, 10:15) complain
Not difficult but fun to solve, thank's
kerwincormier (19 August 2024, 6:03) complain
Had to guess in a few spots but it was solvable with some thought. Nice challenge.
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