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Japanese crossword «Irish deer»

Size: 25x25Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:09.08.20Author: Lalopop

smeuse (10 August 2020, 0:02) complain
Wow, that was a challenge, and such a striking image! Nice work!
The-Nono-Gram (10 August 2020, 1:53) complain
Not just any old one. I love the specificity of this.
Ageleni (10 August 2020, 2:02) complain
Very difficult--seems like I kept running into brick walls. Striking image for something so light and sparse.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (10 August 2020, 6:06) complain
Hard work. Beautiful.
ZSST (10 August 2020, 12:10) complain
Really difficult!
torwul (10 August 2020, 15:16) complain
Very nice image, thank you!
GulfCoastGuppy (10 August 2020, 16:04) complain
Very nice...and difficult. I didn't use a hint but gave in to taking one guess. Superb puzzles Lalopop!
Amanmir (10 August 2020, 19:16) complain
Managed to finish this in the end with no hints, definetly not easy!
msat (11 August 2020, 0:07) complain
Sheesh... I needed all three hints plus a guess. The hints all made sense to me, at least... Great puzzle with a fabulous result!
show: 1 🗨
OzJester (13 August 2020, 11:56) complain
Yeah, I love understanding how/why the hints work. It adds another string to the bow for next time.
Risus_Khan (12 August 2020, 1:59) complain
OzJester (13 August 2020, 11:55) complain
I really loved the thinking that had to go into solving this one. Thank you, Lalopop!
Al-e (15 August 2020, 12:38) complain
Very good, thank you
Tonste (16 August 2020, 23:35) complain
That took a good hour+! Managed with no hints/guesses...really difficult for a 25x25!
SherylLHill (22 August 2020, 21:28) complain
Excellent! Thank you!!!
Janet (30 August 2020, 4:45) complain
Great fun - thank you :))
John_Robertshaw (31 August 2020, 14:56) complain
Would go well in an Irish Stew!!!
show: 1 🗨
Jennifer_Mok (2 February 2023, 17:57) complain
Would have once. It’s been extinct for some 10,000 years. https://www.ourwarwickshire.org.uk/content/article/warwickshire-museums-giant-irish-deer
Sheryl_Hill (9 October 2020, 1:56) complain
So beautiful! You are a fabulous artist, Lalopop!
smkim000 (16 November 2020, 0:23) complain
Sense of achievement!
iogurte (13 December 2020, 3:28) complain
fusun (19 January 2021, 5:50) complain
It was very hard but the end is beautiful. Thanks.
miaow (24 September 2022, 18:27) complain
Thanks a million for this puzzle. Very hard, but all very logical. Nice image, Very satisfying.
Ruruskadoo (10 July 2023, 8:10) complain
I miss Lalopop puzzles, it's a shame we haven't had a new one in a long time. They're often quite tricky, and delightfully fun every single time, and I love the minimalistic style of the resulting images that still manages to accurately and elegantly convey exactly what it's supposed to be.
This puzzle in particular was fiendishly difficult, it had me sitting there stumped at multiple points going over it over and over with a fine toothed comb trying to find that single place where I could logically deduce there must/can't be a square that will trigger the next series of moves to all fall into place. You know it HAS to be there, there's no need for guesses or hints, but it takes more than just the usual basic counting to find it, you get to enjoy using advanced techniques. I honestly haven't had this much fun solving a nonogram in a very, very long time, it makes me wish you could favorite puzzles so you can easily find them when you're in the mood to do them again.
Specky1 (4 August 2023, 13:09) complain
04/08/23 :-]
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