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Japanese crossword «Dog»

Size: 40x40Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:07.08.20Author: Ayzhana

KamiRyu (12 August 2020, 14:52) complain
Pretty Hard and really beautiful Picture!
VergZi (12 August 2020, 23:06) complain
Not too hard, but it demands a lot of time.
9thgrs (19 August 2020, 1:44) complain
this has been extremely hard for me. Perhaps I've tackled it the wrong way; it must be so. I will try it again in a few months, and then we'll see. Thank You author!
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (24 August 2020, 5:15) complain
You aren't the only one who thinks this was a hard one. The author did a really GREAT job of spacing things out so that you end up having to pick off one pixel at a time and count over and over again. The result is beautiful.
gohogs84 (24 August 2020, 15:39) complain
This one demands persistence. I worked on this over several days, recounting fresh each time and being rewarded with a new find. Amazing spacing, as over and over, multiple counts were possible in a row even after adding a block. And nice usage of the bottom row going off the grid. Really cute picture in the end as well.
Janet (24 February 2021, 8:13) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
smkim000 (26 February 2021, 5:43) complain
Great picture!!!
statto (2 August 2021, 23:16) complain
Very challenging middle and end but an excellent picture, thanks!
Jitender_Sharma (17 September 2021, 17:45) complain
thanks for creating this.
deidaq (30 September 2021, 23:37) complain
Tricky! But fun and very cute :)
Cynthiaskid (7 March 2022, 0:31) complain
I like the author. Hard but doable. I echo many of the comments above. But thanks.
firewind (17 March 2022, 7:47) complain
Hard one. Stuck in the middle. But then found a solton.
terth (9 November 2023, 14:58) complain
I couldn't do it w/o hint
carol1961 (11 May 2024, 23:56) complain
Beautiful image.
poopoo (30 October 2024, 22:05) complain
I used 3 hints on this and all 3 of them was things i missed because i miscounted. So if stuck: count again and again. Or maybe it's just me being tired...
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