Japanese crossword «Panda»
Size: 30x30 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 03.08.20 | Author: Hodas |
Very creative! Thought it was bacteria before I saw the title :)
replyarguably one of the best pictures I have gotten to solve, thank you
I really like the fact that instead of simply drawing the panda in black, you only used it to make the paws, the nose and the ears: allowing us to discover the picture only once after solving it. It keeps the surprise and it's very original.
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Thought this picture would be massively disappointing but it's actually very clever.
replyI was very confused until I saw the title, I literally gasped once I read it! Amazing puzzle, truly genious
replyInteresting concept, but a bit too abstract for my eyes...
replyImpressive use of empty space to very clearly define the subject. Well done!
replyThis is so adorable! I really didn't expect how clever it would be.
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I promise that if you keep plugging away at this and count over and over again, you can do this without using Xs.
replyBrilliant! What an original take on a common image - I love it :)
replyOne of those where it's almost possible to know what it is without the title, but you're not disappointed when you see what it is. Bravo!
replyOh, wow! I could NOT see that at all until I read the title and took another look at it. I thought it was a bean and fragments, but now that I know what it is, it is quite unique!