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Japanese crossword «Fishing»

Size: 55x75Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:10.07.20Author: Ergo_ru

tonyakt1 (1 September 2020, 15:24) complain
Even though its not difficult i made many mistakes! Good picture. Thank you!!!
deborah (29 October 2020, 5:14) complain
Great picture. Very unique. This was fun to solve. Not too difficult, but a good challenge.
deidaq (29 November 2020, 7:55) complain
Great image! Not too difficult, even though it's tall if you full-screen it you can complete it from the bottom up.
xowl (11 April 2022, 16:07) complain
Very enjoyable. A nice mix of interesting bits throughout the image with no repetitive or dead zones.
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