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Japanese crossword «Willy Wonka»

Size: 50x50Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:10.07.20Author: Ergo_ru

marlene_prue (14 July 2020, 2:14) complain
Great job. Nice to see something totally different.
deidaq (1 December 2020, 8:10) complain
Excellent likeness. I had the song stuck in my head the entire time I was solving. Very tricky at the end, but after a break I was able to figure it out!
sallyannlady (2 July 2022, 7:44) complain
Wow- great picture- enjoyed the puzzle.
eeyore004 (27 November 2022, 3:01) complain
Aww, Gene Wilder! Great job.
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