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Japanese crossword «Tiger»

Size: 35x30Picture:6/10Difficulty:7/10Added:23.06.20Author: Ergo_ru

stefanocase (25 June 2020, 16:58) complain
Excellent usage of the space
Ruth (25 June 2020, 22:29) complain
up close and personal
DRSBK (26 June 2020, 1:13) complain
It was difficult for me.
Onono (26 June 2020, 7:12) complain
Challenging. Many pixels don't contribute anything; they could be rearranged without making the image any better, or any worse. I'm curious whether those pixels were generated by a program, to make the puzzle solveable (or is that one of those intractable tasks that Turing warned us about?)
show: 2 🗨
average (2 May 2023, 19:26) complain
Considering that puzzles are solvable by humans, I don't think any version of testing puzzles with computers should be intractable. Specifically I think a program could estimate the difficulty level in real time as an image is being constructed, based on techniques necessary to solve it. Given this capability, it could maybe take an unsolvable puzzle and suggest a "similar" solvable image, if not in real time at least quickly enough to be feasible
show: 1 🗨
Onono (27 June 2023, 5:43) complain
About intractability, I meant creating puzzles, not solving them; specifically, adapting an image that is not solvable to make it solvable. And every class of intractable problems has instances that are solvable; it's only once you reach a certain size that they become intractable. (And as an aside, a puzzle can be called solvable if there is a unique solution -- then it can be found by trial and error over every square; this site uses a more restrictive definition -- they must be solvable by methods that the human brain can handle).

I agree that a solver program should be able to provide a difficulty rating; I think you meant "as an image is being solved"; I interpret "constructed" as something different.
ligeti (26 June 2020, 21:25) complain
If it's difficult, it's OK. I don't know if this is possible w/o multiple guesses. If not, no fun.
nonowalrus (27 June 2020, 10:28) complain
Humm, I was surprised to solve it without any hints since I'm not a champion...
But everything comes very logically once you tick EVERY unnecessary boxe.
Good job!
show: 1 🗨
Lyman_Zerga (27 June 2020, 16:41) complain
There are some who don't use x's in order to solve these puzzles, believe it or not.
Maybe therefore it is called nono's ;)
nataliecv (28 June 2020, 4:58) complain
Not fond of all the unattached black squares.
torwul (28 June 2020, 20:48) complain
That was a tricky one. I made some mistakes - but the image is nice.
DLHBin (29 June 2020, 8:46) complain
Good puzzle, no need for any guesswork,
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (29 September 2020, 22:53) complain
VERY good workout.
9thgrs (30 April 2023, 22:16) complain
that is so not a tiger, but the image deserves five stars. TY author
Specky1 (25 November 2023, 13:30) complain
specky ☺
Kalou (21 November 2024, 13:44) complain
Not difficult. Very interesting and original, thank's
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