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Japanese crossword «Zodiac sign Leo»

Size: 40x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:23.05.20Author: Tverianka

viscontediieri (25 May 2020, 20:46) complain
the zodiac sign most difficult, thanks tverianka
Onono (31 May 2020, 7:10) complain
The most difficult one that I've done.
mfp (31 May 2020, 13:58) complain
Feeling very pleased to have finished this one. It was hard but a great challenge and lovely picture. Thank you!
Telula (3 August 2020, 18:27) complain
Wow, that was so hard, I had to use all of my hints. I'm definitely going to come back later and try to do this without so many hints. Nice work
9thgrs (4 August 2020, 11:56) complain
I had to resort to all three hints, though two of them turned out to remedy faulty counting, not logic. The third I didn't even understand. That is what this puzzle does, it makes you stop counting. Very nice work. Thank you
Lyman_Zerga (29 September 2020, 18:22) complain
A lot of counting made it tough but no hints used.
It took me several hours and a good night sleep to complete.
Janet (22 October 2020, 8:09) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
smkim000 (3 April 2021, 5:13) complain
Very very challenging!!!
shlomi (23 May 2022, 22:38) complain
damn it was hard ,almost gave up but then i saw it ...
kodemus (27 December 2022, 2:43) complain
difficult from the beginning to the end. Even when most of it is solved I steel had to count at each step !
nonogramist (19 September 2023, 12:53) complain
Good picture but not very hard indeed ...)))
smkim000 (8 January 2024, 6:41) complain
Not as challenging as it was...
Kalou (14 June 2024, 20:58) complain
No hint but the most difficult i have done, fun, thank's
rojas68 (1 August 2024, 22:06) complain
That was a tough one, got stuck a few times but managed to do it with no hints or guessing
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