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Japanese crossword «Soviet soldier is drinking water from a helmet»

Size: 58x80Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:11.05.20Author: Ayzhana

marlene_prue (12 May 2020, 2:56) complain
Very nice. Thoroughly enjoyed solving this. Please do more soon. It is one thing I look forward to daily.
eyrydiki (13 May 2020, 0:15) complain
billabob (20 May 2021, 2:53) complain
This is beautiful and well worth the hours I spent solving it. Top notch puzzle.
tonyakt1 (23 July 2021, 18:30) complain
Good picture. But I saw different pic all the way till the end. Only when i read the name of it i saw correct image))) Thank you
xowl (21 December 2021, 17:35) complain
Great puzzle and great picture. I can't see a helmet when I look at it; instead it looks like a mug or stein to me, but I'm not familiar with soviet-era helmets enough to be sure.

I really love the shading on the jacket, particularly on the left arm.
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