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Japanese crossword «Legionary»

Size: 15x20Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:10.05.20Author: Yvan

latenightfilms (11 May 2020, 0:44) complain
had to zoom out to see what it was but good otherwise
ibun323 (11 May 2020, 4:37) complain
Pretty challenging for its size, but rewarding! Fantastic picture!
nemo11 (11 May 2020, 12:06) complain
Great thumbnail!
torwul (11 May 2020, 15:51) complain
Now, that was a good one.
momoschispa (11 May 2020, 16:46) complain
can anyone teach me how to solve these puzzles? :(
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Author Yvan (11 May 2020, 17:19) complain
Do you can click in left side on site "methods of solving" and read text?
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msat (14 May 2020, 6:22) complain
Those are just basic instructions and don't help with strategy on the more challenging puzzles like this one. Best way of learning that I've found is to use the hints, and each time figure out why they were the next best move. (I needed all three hints on this one...)
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kissifrott (20 May 2020, 14:17) complain
May I give you some suggestions?
Try to see on every line the possibilities on the two directions (left to right and right to left, or up to down and down to up): it may appear that one square is in all cases full or empty.
And another suggestion: take a break; after it you see better the possibilities of the puzzle.
I am sorry, my english is not very good. Ciao
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Onono (17 July 2020, 7:12) complain
And this puzzle hasn't helped you improve your English. The title should be "Legionnaire". "Legionary" is not a real word.
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Lalopop (22 July 2020, 10:46) complain
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Onono (23 July 2020, 22:16) complain
So it does; I stand corrected.
nono-nono (11 May 2020, 19:36) complain
not easy at all
aslasl (11 May 2020, 20:04) complain
Welcome Yvan to 'Black and white > Small' I miss you :))
Very tricky - I loved the puzzle.
GulfCoastGuppy (12 May 2020, 23:31) complain
Fantastic, especially in a small puzzle!
The-Nono-Gram (13 May 2020, 9:45) complain
Yvan is so good at making small puzzles challenging.
The-Nono-Gram (13 May 2020, 9:46) complain
How do you rate a Yvan, any way? The small puzzles are harder than the average puzzles of this size. Yet, hard to say they are actually difficult.
kissifrott (20 May 2020, 14:07) complain
I like it very much. Really nice
JUDIT (25 May 2020, 21:31) complain
for tricky puzzles, I find it helpful to imagine that the squares are like black and white beads on a wire, like an abacus.

Each string of black beads needs some number of white beads between them. You don't know how many spaces are between the black beads, but you can imagine there is just one, and start counting. If the black beads (plus one white bead in between each set) is more than half the row, then some of the beads have to be filled in.
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JUDIT (25 May 2020, 21:49) complain
I wish there was a way to edit comments. I read over what I wrote and it didn't make much sense. Maybe it would help to add that I picture the beads sliding on the wire. If you imagine just one white bead to start with and then imagine the beads sliding along the wire, you can see where some of the spaces have to have a black bead no matter how many white beads there are.

My guess is that I've made it even more confusing. A button to delete a comment would also be a very welcome feature. ;-)
show: 2 🗨
Femme_Appeal (20 December 2020, 10:02) complain
I wouldn't fret over it too much. I could comprehend what you were trying to describe, and I have full aphantasia, so couldn't visualize it even if your description were perfect. :)

Though, just as a matter of principle, I would also love to have edit/delete options. As a writer, lingering typos, rearranged sentences that you forgot to change the tense or pronouns of, and sentences that mysteriously end (character count issues) haunt me so.
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Femme_Appeal (20 December 2020, 10:07) complain
Now see, there's another great argument for editing options. Because if I could edit that comment, even if for only an hour or two after I posted it, no one would ever know that it wasn't until a moment after I hit Send that I realized that the second paragraph should've read...


Though, just as a matter of principle, I would also love to have edit/delete options. As a writer, lingering typos, rearranged sentences that you forgot to change the tense or pronouns of, and when you don't realize what the character limit is and you end up with paragraphs that just suddenly
Thursday (4 July 2020, 20:03) complain
Fun to do and original picture
Onono (17 July 2020, 7:14) complain
A very rough image ... but impressive for one with so few pixels.
Sheryl_Hill (7 October 2020, 18:31) complain
So fun, Yvan! Thank you!!!
emiko (16 October 2020, 5:39) complain
challenging but fun
QueenCC (26 January 2021, 18:23) complain
Creative puzzle, thanks!
Specky1 (18 September 2023, 17:15) complain
180923 Specky was here
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