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Japanese crossword «Revolver»

Size: 37x21Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:06.05.20Author: Twixoed

Merl (7 May 2020, 1:26) complain
Vivicare (9 May 2020, 0:16) complain
Not so fan of guns
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bandinura (11 May 2020, 2:39) complain
but its still good pic i think
bandinura (11 May 2020, 2:38) complain
nice pic :D
Onono (12 May 2020, 0:09) complain
These days I don't like seeing guns.
The-Nono-Gram (26 May 2020, 0:50) complain
Some actually think the world revolves about what they like.
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John_Robertshaw (29 July 2020, 12:15) complain
I was going to say what a great comment - & I don't know what triggered this but I'll just bite the bullet and say (it's just a shot in the dark) - that I bet you didn't do this one with no crosses!
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The-Nono-Gram (29 July 2020, 20:10) complain
Actually, I did. It has been pointed out that somehow, mentioning that is offensive so I quit mentioning it. I always mentioned it to encourage those who wanted the extra challenge on small puzzles. Seems some must have thought I was being--would pedantic be the right word here? So, I quit.
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John_Robertshaw (29 July 2020, 22:59) complain
Please start again - you have encouraged me to try! The other thing that I try is to fill as many squares as I can in one go - this keeps your count way down. There was one puzzle that I managed to complete in just 5 moves!
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The-Nono-Gram (30 July 2020, 8:50) complain
Ok, you know something I don't know. I don't understand what it means to keep your count down nor what you mean by completing it in 5 moves.
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John_Robertshaw (30 July 2020, 12:06) complain
In this example I have clicked on the 3 squares individually -& I have a count of 3
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John_Robertshaw (30 July 2020, 12:09) complain
But if I hold down the left mouse button & drag down the 3 squares - it colours the 3 & it counts it as 1 move
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John_Robertshaw (30 July 2020, 12:29) complain
Now to the results!
I managed to do this in only 1 move - using the hold button & drag method - hitting each square individually took me 13 moves. I find it adds another level of logic & I love challenging myself!
Note - there are no dots in the one move puzzle - so it is similar to what you do!
Please be aware that clicking "OK" in the box that comes up saying "Congratulations" when you finish the puzzle - wipes the "number of moves" figure, so you must look first!!
This puzzle is Chicken by Drunk_Snake if you want to try it.
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John_Robertshaw (30 July 2020, 13:29) complain
Sorry - forgot to mention that the count is the number in brackets on the back button - though you've probably seen that?
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The-Nono-Gram (30 July 2020, 19:33) complain
Well, thank you for the new challenge. I never even paid attention to that number in the box.
The-Nono-Gram (30 July 2020, 19:35) complain
I just realized why I never saw that. I don't do the puzzle on that page. I do it on the full screen page.
The-Nono-Gram (29 July 2020, 20:31) complain
Mostly my comment was because there are endless numbers of Pokemon characters, Mario characters or cat puzzles (to name a few)that nobody comments negatively on but let a fire arm or "weapon of war" show up and you can count on somebody voicing an objection.
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Femme_Appeal (5 November 2020, 4:31) complain
Even acknowledging that everyone is entitled to make puzzles of any objects or images they like, your comparison is pretty inappropriate. Firstly, people complain about butterflies puzzles if they see too many in a short time frame. Once again, everyone is also entitled to express their opinions on the puzzles, positive or negative.

Second, being bothered by Pokemon or cat puzzles is hardly the same thing as being bothered by an object whose entire purpose is causing potentially fatal damage to human beings - handguns are not used for hunting animals and marksman competitions do not constitute a valid secondary purpose to a gun anymore than it does to a tractor. No matter how many tractor-based competitions one participates in, tractors still exist for pulling farm and landscaping equipment around...
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Femme_Appeal (5 November 2020, 4:31) complain
...You don't have to agree with those who voice their disapproval of guns, to respect that their issue isn't just with "things they don't like." Their issue is with the novelization of deadly weapons and, yes, "weapons of war" which even the most adamant constitutionalist would agree has become a major issue in Western culture as of late.

Your comparison is on par with people making the Brexit vote results only about dumb EU rules over bendy bananas. Deliberately misrepresenting people's objections is no more conscientious of diverse opinions than just complaining about the gun/tank/bomb puzzles.
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The-Nono-Gram (5 November 2020, 20:19) complain
I'm guessing that you don't like guns, or tanks, or bombs.
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Femme_Appeal (25 December 2020, 3:36) complain
I'm guessing you entirely missed the point.

I actually don't have any particular appreciation or aversion to guns, tanks or bombs. I do have issues with the way war, murder and the weapons of either are used in popular media, and how it contributes to things like mass shootings and national security policies like "Mutually Assured Destruction." But last time I checked, even the majority of gun owners had those exact same concerns.
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The-Nono-Gram (25 December 2020, 5:37) complain
One picture triggers all of that?
kkezir (4 June 2020, 0:06) complain
Bevy (24 June 2023, 20:48) complain
Nasty image. Awful score.
Author Twixoed (1 November 2023, 16:18) complain
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