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Japanese crossword «Gandalf»

Size: 50x50Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:29.04.20Author: Ergo_ru

9thgrs (7 May 2020, 17:13) complain
Very good! I really had to squeeze my brains. Beautiful rendering. Thank you
mfp (10 May 2020, 18:44) complain
A wonderfully challenging puzzle. Worked hard right to the end but really enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you!
MarieDue (10 June 2020, 22:53) complain
Challenging and never boring
sallyannlady (1 November 2022, 3:07) complain
That does indeed look like Sir Ian McKellen.
nonogramist (4 April 2024, 15:34) complain
I didn t want this puzzle to finish. Gave me a different taste of solving. needs a little bit more 'probable' estimations than the others. Thanks
fawnjams (9 September 2024, 4:13) complain
The hardest nonogram I've ever done! It took me roughly ten days to get through (including getting stuck countless times). But managing to finally solve it was incredibly rewarding, and I chuckled when I saw the title and realized what I'd been puzzling over for so many hours.
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