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Japanese crossword «Accordion»

Size: 45x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:27.04.20Author: marmotM

Elle123 (30 April 2020, 14:15) complain
I enjoyed doing the puzzle. Pure logic, but hard to get going.
mfp (2 May 2020, 11:20) complain
Really original and a good challenge. Thank you!
Nikki654 (26 June 2020, 14:02) complain
Printed it out and solved with a pen. Couldn't erase any mistakes so had to avoid them at all costs! :)
Painstakingly plowed my way through and came out with a beautiful picture. Lovely puzzle indeed
benker (12 June 2022, 21:20) complain
Very nice challenge to get started, then pretty straight forward and nice picture, thanks!
RomanG (18 September 2024, 8:00) complain
good one! thank you.
nonogramist (28 November 2024, 15:40) complain
A logical estimation RELATED TO TOPPEST ROW will help the hard nonogram to be easily solved . Good luck ...
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