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Japanese crossword «Composition»

Size: 45x75Picture:9/10Difficulty:9/10Added:26.04.20Author: Irina-belko61

cocosr (3 May 2020, 6:14) complain
Love the picture. Quite hard near the beginning, but it works out.
SebOsb (6 May 2020, 19:47) complain
easy start... then very hard going in the middle... finally easy finish. Nicely done.
9thgrs (7 May 2020, 20:50) complain
this picture is awesome. The puzzle was hard work, but for the most it was scrolling up and down. In the logic parts it was good fun. Thank you
Guylaine (24 June 2020, 23:47) complain
Very fun to do! Thank you!
Pedestrianfury (13 October 2020, 6:19) complain
Gorgeous solution, very neat and logical (if labor-intense) journey. Bravo!
tonyakt1 (10 November 2020, 14:39) complain
Very tricky. I made lots of mistakes((( but it was interesting . Thank you
VergZi (31 December 2020, 1:06) complain
Very beautiful and fun to solve, even though I got a little bit tired.
Doesn't need very advanced logics, but it does need a lot of time scrolling and counting.
robi80 (8 June 2021, 20:09) complain
Great! Thx!
smkim000 (29 July 2021, 17:39) complain
OMG! It's hard!
El_Grande (26 August 2021, 2:59) complain
This is the hardest one I've solved so far
HanjieMaster (5 October 2021, 18:26) complain
That took me the longest amount of time I have ever dedicated to one puzzle. I was stuck for about 3 hours at one stage looking for the one square that would inevitably lead to the solution. Other peoples' comments kept up my motivation to perservere. Very satisfying to finally finish it.
shlomi (22 May 2022, 22:36) complain
one of the hardest i was able to solve ..
beautiful picture !
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