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Japanese crossword «Turtle»

Size: 20x10Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:01.04.20Author: seans

Guest: Victor (2 April 2020, 0:22) complain
A land-based tortoise, rather than a marine turtle, but cute.
show: 5 🗨
nemo11 (2 April 2020, 12:32) complain
Victor - no spoilers please! I couldn't avoid seeing this as soon as I opened the puzzle.
show: 4 🗨
Metallian (24 July 2020, 16:28) complain
how do you open the puzzle without seeing the title from the list ?
show: 3 🗨
nemo11 (24 July 2020, 19:56) complain
Not sure what you mean - I can't see the title until I have completed the puzzle. And I note that the comment is now hidden as a spoiler!

show: 2 🗨
turpinator (29 September 2020, 2:47) complain
It's an option in your settings and search choices.
Femme_Appeal (1 March 2021, 9:05) complain
The spoiler functionality in this "forum" doesn't kick in instantly. It's part of the page population process, and one of the last processes as best I can tell. So, if your page fails to load fully, or you scroll down too quickly, you will see things behind spoiler tags.

By that same token, as turpinator points out below, if your title displays before you've completed the puzzle, it's because your user preferences are set that way.
nemo11 (2 April 2020, 12:33) complain
Quick and easy - great, thanks seans!
kkezir (2 May 2020, 23:16) complain
Chorton (14 November 2020, 1:50) complain
Another one!
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