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Japanese crossword «Your dinner, sir(Servant)»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:15.03.20Author: 3JIou_EHoT

GulfCoastGuppy (15 March 2020, 22:57) complain
I would have preferred a reference to a particular character in the title (like Gone with the Wind) to make it a little less offensive.
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Zsuzsanna_Erdeos (16 March 2020, 0:06) complain
I understand your intent, but I think it's taking PC a step too far. After all, the author didn't write "I agree with servitude"; s/he just depicted "a" servant as s/he imagined it. How would it improve matters if the title was that of a particular character? After all, Margaret Mitchell did the same: she depicted servant(s) in Gone with the Wind as she imagined them.
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The-Nono-Gram (16 March 2020, 0:57) complain
Are you kidding me? The author had to change the title?
GulfCoastGuppy (16 March 2020, 1:02) complain
Like I stated, this would have been my preference. Or maybe a time period reference. It just seemed so current and was offensive to me. And, no, Margaret Mitchell did NOT depict her servants as she imagined them. She wrote about a particular time in history.
nono-nono (16 March 2020, 1:32) complain
Simple and fine. Just a servant or waiter who serves something . No reference to a particular character. I do not understand GulfCoast's discussion.
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GulfCoastGuppy (16 March 2020, 2:03) complain
For me it was the obvious black face. I am sorry. I really didn't mean to offend anyone, especially the author. It was just my opinion and I thought I said it in nice way.
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Onono (11 September 2020, 23:57) complain
You have a valid point. The picture is not necessarily racist. There was no heated debate. No one threw a fit.

But you can read anything you want into it, as some have.
Femme_Appeal (19 January 2021, 5:24) complain
I think you've inadvertently touched on an important point. Technically it's dictionary-accurate to say a waiter is a form of servant, but no one has come close to using those terms interchangeably since "the servant class" was an acceptable phrase to say out loud. When people ignore that, that's precisely what "political correctness" is attempting to "correct" in our society - how easy it is to ignore our privileges when we don't have honest representation of people without them. The idea that the only place we care to be conscientious about representation, is someplace more important than a puzzle site is (and I mean this in a literally, not a snidely) nonsensical.

If you reference antiquated societal roles - such as what a "servant" would look like, back when people "had servants" - without providing some context for that reference, you ARE implying particular stereotypes and tacit approval of them (or at the least acceptance of society's tacit approval).
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Femme_Appeal (19 January 2021, 7:07) complain
History has taught, this crap flows up. Lazy racism isn't just invoking crappy stereotypes, it's ignoring when they are invoked or using them casually, without malice but also without consideration for the consequences. Sexism in the workplace isn't only fueled by a beer-branded calendar on the office wall, featuring chicks in bikinis that barely cover their nipples. It's also fueled by Powerpoint presentations where most of the men are wearing suits but most of the women are wearing dresses and high heels. It's in innocent references to the time when womens' jobs in an office were usually to fetch coffee or take dictation, and then everyone laughs awkwardly without pointing out that it's also kind of an a$$hole joke to make if it's punching down at the coffee-fetchers and not up at the boy's club.
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Femme_Appeal (19 January 2021, 7:08) complain
Anti-racism starts at home, in every innocent moment where we don't stop to think, "Even if I am not acting with unconscious bias, am I behaving in the same way someone with unconscious bias would act? And if so, don't I have an obligation to be conscious of that, and thus, knock it the F off?"

Just something I hope people think about, the next time they even think of saying a phrase like, "taking political correctness too far." As I keep telling me 25YO son, who struggles with his own privileges... Every time you start getting indignant about being accused of just the tiniest bit of racism, first think about the amount of pain and destruction that has been caused by just the tiniest bit of racism.

Sorry I forgot to post the entire thought at once - I suddenly remembered I had to get to certain stores before they closed and rushed out as quickly as I could.
nemo11 (16 March 2020, 13:33) complain
Wow! This certainly sparked a heated debate! Putting that aside, a great pic!
brumeux77 (17 March 2020, 21:54) complain
I thought we were getting the face in silhouette just to differentiate it from the hair and dress. It took me a while to understand how anyone could be offended. I guess offense, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Guest: DJP (21 March 2020, 1:01) complain
kkezir (7 April 2020, 1:40) complain
mrklarinet (1 May 2020, 2:08) complain
It's a mask. ;)
ggg (20 July 2020, 13:07) complain
I knew someone would throw a fit at the title. It's just a puzzle. Calm down.
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