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Japanese crossword #3082

Size: 20x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:11.12.14



Guest: ybb (9 January 2015, 17:12) complain
Baby cart
Guest: ggg (25 January 2015, 17:30) complain
The image quality of this buggaboo frog picture doesn't make the difficulty feel satisfying.
Guest: zzz. (20 April 2015, 20:51) complain
I agree with 'ggg'. It is quite difficult and not a great picture.
Guest: wudoku (26 February 2016, 17:42) complain
easier than I thought
Guest: Hamflaps (8 March 2016, 9:57) complain
If you need to vomit, you should use a toilet and not a baby carriage, especially if there's a baby in it.
moes_spot (7 April 2016, 19:22) complain
very cool. pic just pops out. love it
simplyammee (29 May 2016, 21:55) complain
It isn't that difficult guys...
pfh (23 July 2016, 0:01) complain
I definitely see it. Nice and hard, too.
0u403040s (15 November 2016, 9:51) complain
I have to push the pram a lot.
Guest: MiMi (30 April 2017, 20:49) complain
Not possible to complete using logic alone. Disappointing
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:07) complain
You are mistaken.
Guest: Mam (2 May 2017, 0:22) complain
It is possible to complete with logic only.
Guest: Andrew (11 May 2017, 22:32) complain
Not possible with logic alone, even if Mam thinks it is.
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:07) complain
You too are mistaken.
Guest: Deejay (13 May 2017, 17:33) complain
It is possible with logic alone, just not with the simple logic features we are used to apply to the usual nonograms. I got stuck a few times but I managed to get through all of it by picturing possible outcomes and choosing the only one that wasn't contraddictory. Now I definitely acquired a new trick I can use with other hard puzzles like this :D
Party_McFly (25 May 2017, 22:39) complain
Agree with Deejay, learned a new trick that will help with more difficult puzzles. Great teaching tool
FellHarbor (30 June 2017, 18:03) complain
The picture isn't bad, but I agree with the comments stating this is not possible with counting logic alone. There is way too much white and no full lines to use as guide. As a human I can sort of infer where a block should go "logically" to complete an image, but that's basically guessing. I don't like to just "guess." The most rewarding puzzles to me are the ones that you can't tell what the image will be til almost the end. I came down to the comments after I was stuck the first time with just a few moves in and saw people saying what the image was. In that way, I could infer where to place some blocks. That's not why I play these games; I want to work with counting logic, not "how well can I guess an image" logic. Still, if it's fun for some, then who am I to rate this badly? To each their own.
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smkim000 (16 December 2020, 7:31) complain
I nailed it with no guess. I made it with logic only.
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:08) complain
Not possible to solve with nails alone.
markceck (1 July 2017, 23:44) complain
This is the first puzzle I comment without solving it. I gave up after 10 minutes after completing some cells and reading the comments that discouraged me to go on. As I said in an another post (and this is what FellHarbor basically says and I agree with him again), you have to reason to fill the cells and not just guess. What's the point in trying all the possibilities until you find the one not contradictory? This can be done by anyone (you need to open 2, 4, 8, 16, ... windows and solve each puzzle but solving the same puzzle all these times is absurd to me). And guessing is more stupid since this is a logic game. To be honest and coherent I would say that even the hints have not sense. I will try this puzzle another time.
markceck (9 July 2017, 16:12) complain
OK guys, after you fill in the cells you are sure of (seventh line) and you use all three hints, then the puzzle become solvable, using only logic and not guessing or using some other tricks. Using only logic and avoiding helps it's IMPOSSIBLE to solve it.
wasisdas (13 July 2017, 16:47) complain
Possible to solve. I used hint once and then saw how i could have calculated that hint myself. Don't be stupid :P
markceck (19 July 2017, 23:12) complain
Ivan, the problem here is that you need to prove your statement, while I don't have to prove mine (quite more difficult, isn't it?). Until you and other people who claimed to have solved the puzzle (with or without hints? Not clear what you (plural) mean) shut up about the resolution, those words are not worth to me. Hope not to being too aggressive but that's it. With respect ;)
markceck (20 July 2017, 17:36) complain
Ivan, the problem here is I am a complete dumb (can I say the same to users than commented before me? :)) and for many reasons (high level of difficulty, comments brainwashing and other) I overlooked something. The truth is, believe it or not, you can throw hints in the WC, avoid opening other windows to try all possible outcomes, use only the classic method of solving and after a LOT of time you will get to the solution.
Anyway easy puzzle as someone pointed out? Bullshits, not even close. Beginners should avoid it as death.
WillyCoyote (3 August 2017, 14:00) complain
It is possible with logic alone. Marco, I could really record a movie and explain every move with logic, so, please. It is quite challenging puzzle, I give that, but certainly it is possible with logic alone.
nonogramguy (19 August 2017, 20:20) complain
Difficult. Contrary to what some people say in the comments, this nonogram CAN be solved using logic only.
Madison13 (30 August 2017, 5:16) complain
Not for beginners, no, but I had no problem. I only play the puzzles rated 4+ star difficulty. I never place blocks based on what I think the picture is. I have never used hints, and I didn't on this one either. I didn't pay attention to my solve time, but it couldn't have been more than about 10 minutes. Very doable.
Satuphle (29 October 2017, 17:01) complain
It IS posible to complete only with logic, a little tricky bot good.
Bob_Bobson (2 December 2017, 4:51) complain
For what it's worth I completed it with only logical steps, meaning if someone else had been supervising me I could have explained each move.
richardmcevoy (9 December 2017, 23:00) complain
Difficult in the middle but nice pic at the end.
richardmcevoy (9 December 2017, 23:07) complain
I will agree with some of the comments though, it is very difficult to solve with logic. I didn't use any hints but had to admit I pretty much had to guess where 2 cells were based upon the picture evolving. The remainder again I used logic. So while I did solve, it was not by using 100% logic.
Sheryl_Hill (21 December 2017, 23:25) complain
I suspect that what is considered logic by some is considered guessing or trial and error by others. But please continue this heated discussion as the nonogram Olympics are certainly right around the corner (haha!). Personally, I do them for relaxation and if I'm real tense I may *start* by cheating. So there!
Sheryl_Hill (21 December 2017, 23:26) complain
Oh, and by the way, my cheating is very logical and carefully considered for maximum impact. ;)
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:11) complain
And I trusted you. That's it, we're done.
anulka26 (16 January 2018, 20:58) complain
I solved the picture with logic only, no guessing and no hints used. It was not easy but definately possible. The skill you need to have is checking the borders and corners. I think this skill is not explained in the methods of solving still it is logic and not guessing.
fri13 (31 January 2018, 20:46) complain
Oh the banter is real
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:12) complain
... but illogical.
Selimnon (8 March 2018, 20:38) complain
Nice picture and enough of a challenge to make it interesting. Thank you!
freechugs (31 March 2018, 7:20) complain
The puzzle is very difficult. Toward the end, counting logic will not be sufficient. You will have to "look ahead" and see what the effects of your moves will be. If you look far enough ahead (about 6 steps) you will find an impossible move. SPOILER (the issue i found that allowed me to solve it has to do with the 2 in the 9th row) No guesses or hints needed!
Guest: meow (5 April 2018, 1:12) complain
Hey guys, this isn't that difficult. It is solveable by simple logic, one step at a time, no need to look ahead. Still, it was interesting for such a small puzzle, it took me 11 minutes. Thanks, keep 'em coming. It's a nice way to pass some spare time.
Guest: cornelia (21 April 2018, 0:43) complain
Meow, well commented, solvable by logic, not too hard. But for a tiny one like this it is amazingly beautiful and difficult. I always admire those who invent these puzzles. Whoever it was, well done. And for those who have a rather sharp mouth, go do a better one if you can!
Guest: Art (28 April 2018, 1:18) complain
The only way to solve is to try multiple time "if-then" logic, when you try to imagine the cell is filled and look for contradiction. If there is no contradiction - thy another "if-then". I needed 3 to 4 successfully fined contradictions to be able to solve it.
No guessing, no hints, no automatic checks.
Risus_Khan (3 May 2018, 23:47) complain
It is solvable without trick and hints. Just takes time but it's simple
inaginni (9 May 2018, 19:39) complain
I can confirm that this is possible with only logic. I'm not sure why people are mentioning so many steps (one person mentioned 6 steps ahead!) to get it.


For me, after normal counting logic, I tried moving the 3 around in the last column to eliminate part of the border. After only the first elimination the rest of the puzzle was again solvable by counting logic.

I hope this helps ^-^
Guest: BC11 (28 June 2018, 3:52) complain
No hints, no complicated logic beyond the standard counting and eliminating. No mistakes necessary, no checking in the middle of the problem. I don't get the difficulty. Plus it's a very nice image when it's all done.
pcampos (31 August 2018, 20:41) complain
No está mal.
Gracias por el trabajo.
fanavdg (22 November 2018, 20:49) complain
Got a little stuck until I figured out the top right corner. After that it was quite easy to finish it up.
If you think this puzzle isn't solvable without guessing or hints, you're limiting yourself. Either don't do 4 star puzzles (I generally don't, because I do this to relax my brain, not strain it), or broaden your horizons and learn new tricks.
lalitprabhu96 (24 November 2018, 13:12) complain
This puzzle can be done without guessing and using hints. You have to find the contradictions in on the borders and the corners.
Guest: morkoli (12 December 2018, 17:19) complain
Possible without hint, have to think little longer...

4&5 at the top line is the bottleneckopener.
Nesman (11 January 2019, 1:04) complain
I sorted by difficulty in the wrong direction and ended up here. :)
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:15) complain
Don't despair. You can get back on track using logic alone.
greghafa (13 January 2019, 2:58) complain
Every puzzle on the site is solvable by logic, with no guessing. That is one of the tenets of the site. Those who insist that guessing is *necessary* should take advantage of the opportunity to improve their own logic skills with these puzzles. The issue is not with the puzzle, it's with you. You are either unwilling, or unable, or too impatient to put in the time to work it out. Every hint requested is an opportunity to learn a new technique. Good solving everyone!
Grzegorz (18 January 2019, 21:48) complain
It IS possible to solve with logic ONLY!
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:16) complain
Yes, but I find it more satisfying to use holistic medicine and a bit of intimidation.
Merl (28 January 2019, 5:15) complain
I found this puzzle fairly easy. Great picture!
kissifrott (29 January 2019, 22:28) complain
I solved the puzzle with logic only. So, it is possible.
I like the picture, rathet complex in such a little space.
Thank you to the designer.
heather-101977 (18 February 2019, 6:42) complain
I used two hints to solve this, but after it showed me the hints I could see exactly how I would have been able to figure it out. So it is possible with just logic, but still very difficult.
Guest: SandraPt (18 February 2019, 17:23) complain
Had to use a hint. :-(
Guest: Richie (25 February 2019, 16:48) complain
To add to this conversation: I was able to solve it with logic only.
John_Robertshaw (8 April 2019, 21:08) complain
The question here - you lot above me (you are VERY heavy by the way) is whether you are using logical logic or a form of illogical logic. I suspect that those of you who shout "IT CAN'T BE SOLVED" are in fact using the later!

All the puzzles on this site are solvable - without the need for a single guess - so please don't blame the author/puzzle for your own ineptitude! Just try a bit harder to get your head around it!
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:26) complain
I didn't say that it can't be solved, I said it can't be rolled. It has square wheels. Don't get preachy with me about illogical logic.
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John_Robertshaw (16 July 2023, 12:00) complain
Of all the Nonogram comments in all the world, Onion, you walk into mine after over 4 years!
John_Robertshaw (16 July 2023, 12:33) complain
Thanks Onion - I did the puzzle again today and used only logical logic!

I'm not that keen on peaches.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (9 April 2019, 20:03) complain
Lovely image. 4* puzzles are hard - that's the point.
Lyman_Zerga (30 April 2019, 23:21) complain
I'm a novice. This is the first 4* puzzle I ever did and remarkably it wasn't that hard. Just a few logic steps, that's all. Or maybe I had a 'lucky mistake' but I guess not.
Kristian0607 (15 May 2019, 10:29) complain
The puzzle requires thinking, yes, but it is possible to solve without guessing, without hints and without trial and error.
smartymarty (27 July 2019, 17:31) complain
I thought this was a good puzzle. You can solve it using logic alone and no hints (I never use hints). But it does require clarity thought and you have to focus on the correct component to solve it.
The-Nono-Gram (20 September 2019, 8:40) complain
I agree with every person that agrees this is totally solvable by logic alone. Each time I encounter a puzzle that is difficult, I remind myself there is NEVER any reason to guess. Then I learn yet another logic trick that carries me through.
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Onono (15 July 2023, 23:27) complain
You tell 'em, sister. Hallelujah and amen.
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The-Nono-Gram (16 July 2023, 0:00) complain
You are busy replying to everyone today. I will probably be the only responder. :D
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John_Robertshaw (16 July 2023, 11:55) complain
Well TNG - I was thinking the same about Onion - so you are not the only responder.

Possibly the first responder.

I do hope that you have your first aid kit to hand?
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The-Nono-Gram (17 July 2023, 2:03) complain
Maybe Onono was just missing us. :D
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Onono (17 July 2023, 3:58) complain
That's it precisely, TNG; another excellent logical deduction. It's been lonely, wandering the murky past of unattributed nonograms.
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The-Nono-Gram (17 July 2023, 8:10) complain
Feel free to look me up anytime. :D
Onono (17 July 2023, 3:59) complain
Never mind the first aid, where's that cask of brandy?
szwejko (26 November 2019, 19:26) complain
I like this puzzle very much. It's difficult but relatively small. The picture is great. I really don't understand those who are dissapointed with the picture (what do they expect with such small resolution?) and who claim it's not solvable. It's of course solvable by using pure logic.
Guest: DMC (6 December 2019, 20:12) complain
A fun challenge. I almost despaired, but I put it away and looked at it again. Somehow the logic became apparent.
Guest: terkio (16 February 2020, 19:35) complain
Got stuck at one point. Then used one hint. Then completed the puzzle.
Trouble is, I do not understand the hint.
Most of the time I have this issue with hints. I presume hints are made from computer programming using recursion rather than "human logic".
A true helping hint would point at a "human rule", but to do so would require redoing the hint programming... Recursion solving is damn easy, I just do not program it, because this solving is no fun.
Guest: A woman with a stroller (28 March 2020, 22:44) complain
A woman with a stroller
Grrr (13 May 2020, 17:10) complain
It is solvable by logic but it is very difficult. I got stuck for a while but then deduced that the second set of 3s in rows 13 and 15 cannot reach column 12 as the 5 there would finish higher up. From there I could solve it more easily.
smkim000 (22 December 2020, 4:24) complain
Good puzzle
Janet (11 February 2021, 1:58) complain
Thank you :))
mingol (12 April 2021, 22:52) complain
nice , solvable with logic, no hints, 55 minutes
dawnplays (26 July 2021, 14:43) complain
I used all three hints and after each one I realised I could have found that bit out for myself if I'd not been so lazy. So I think it is solvable with a bit of thinking. I didn't make any 'guesses'. Took just under 14 minutes
Mathmama (17 August 2022, 8:15) complain
17 minutes, 1 hint that I figured out immediately afterwards. Nice, fun and challenging logic.,
gogo17 (9 January 2023, 15:48) complain
No hints or guesses necessary. In fact, it is on the simple side.. Surprised to see this many comments..
verylatebloomer (10 March 2023, 3:46) complain
Good lord. I've been doing these for a while, and still encounter some rarely where i get stuck and need a hint. (I'm going back to do old ones). There was literally ONE point where finding the next clue just took a lot of searching...it wasn't even one of the very difficult clues. This is a 2.5 star difficulty MAX, and yet the comments are chock full of folks fuming at how it's impossible? It took 11 minutes for me, an no freaking "guesses" or convoluted chess-playing "trial-and-error" logic. I am confused how this puzzle got such a response. Maybe it was just at a more active time, with more inexperienced solvers?!?
Chorton (8 October 2023, 4:06) complain
I cannot believe the amount of comments for this pic. no wonder she is bent over with the weight of it all!
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John_Robertshaw (16 October 2024, 12:33) complain
And you added to her load!
Specky1 (23 January 2024, 19:16) complain
Specky ☺☺☺
carol1961 (1 March 2024, 22:36) complain
beautiful image.
SimpleLeaf (21 March 2024, 6:51) complain
Kinda surprised by the amount of comments claiming this is unsolvable with just logic. It definitely is solvable. I wouldn't even put this in the top 10 most difficult puzzles of similar size on this site. It's a good one though.
fiction-3 (14 June 2024, 15:02) complain
Good one!!
Vivicare (20 October 2024, 10:31) complain
Not very difficult, used only logic, no guessing, no hints
Lyman_Zerga (12 November 2024, 2:38) complain
Did someone mention yet that it can't be done by logic alone?
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