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Japanese crossword «Eskimo»

Size: 17x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:02.12.14Author: Irina-belko61

Sabelin (4 February 2016, 22:45) complain
OMG. so cute
moes_spot (7 April 2016, 18:32) complain
good one
elariel (27 July 2016, 15:47) complain
Great other than the out dated incorrect name for the people group. It should be titled Inuit.
arlendor (27 July 2016, 23:49) complain
"Eskimo" also includes the Yupik people, not just the Inupiat Inuit.
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Karal_Daskin (12 April 2018, 4:10) complain
Thank you for the clarification.
Christiana_Bradshaw (18 September 2016, 22:26) complain
Unexpected result, thanks!
Ante_Ancic (12 April 2017, 17:30) complain
dagaz3 (7 June 2018, 0:30) complain
Eskimo is a racial slur. That's what Elariel is talking about. Inuit is a broad term. You could also use Alasken Native as well.
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soliro (13 July 2021, 18:13) complain
There are Eskimos living beyond Alaska, and the term there is not a racial slur... In fact I bet this particular Eskimo is not from Alaska.
Guest: LiaD (23 June 2018, 21:48) complain
Guest: Richie (21 January 2019, 13:40) complain
Cool puzzle. And difficult. Really like it.
Merl (25 January 2019, 5:07) complain
minon7815 (30 August 2019, 11:07) complain
nice pic
The-Nono-Gram (20 September 2019, 23:03) complain
Can't enjoy a simple puzzle without someone feeling the need to keep us politically correct. It's an ESKIMO
Susagger2 (23 November 2019, 0:23) complain
Ok - these days it's impossible to admire a native anyone and depict them in their original native dress without being told off. So the most correct would be a native from somewhere within the polar area/circle and whom still live and dress as they have for at least several 100 years. REALLY, does life have to be so complicated - I have NOT seen one nonogram that has meant to be demeaning, so give it a rest!!
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EmmaSrin (29 June 2022, 9:18) complain
"Admire a native" is enough to tell us about you without having to go into how hard it is on you not to be racist.

Things can be offensive without someone intending to be. You do the best with the information you have at the time. Then when you know more, you can do better.

None of these comments has suggested that the creator intended to be demeaning, they're just providing new information. If you were someone who wanted to learn instead of throwing your hands up, the Alaskan Native Language Center has some good information on their website.
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