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Japanese crossword «Bully and tulip»

Size: 15x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:18.12.19Author: Yvan

The-Nono-Gram (19 December 2019, 2:32) complain
I'm sorry??
Merl (19 December 2019, 4:02) complain
I don't understand the title, but I had fun solving it.
Author Yvan (19 December 2019, 4:28) complain
Mb it is mistake.. when i use google translation i got this title. Mb normal title is "bad boy and tulip(flower) "...
John_Robertshaw (19 December 2019, 14:00) complain
Why bad - has he stolen it?
show: 2 🗨
Author Yvan (19 December 2019, 16:06) complain
I originally drew a bad boy with a slingshot, but the slingshot was not beautiful then I made a leaves for the flower from slingshot.
show: 1 🗨
salvor (7 January 2020, 19:07) complain
Thinking of the tulip as a slingshot, this reminds me of Bart Simpson wearing a cap
Sheryl_Hill (22 December 2019, 21:25) complain
I think it's a great title and a hilarious juxtaposition. Hey, he's trying to intimidate the poor little thing! And it's not working! hahaha!!
GulfCoastGuppy (9 January 2020, 23:43) complain
Thank you for the insight on you creative process! Very interesting.
Guest: SimPal (14 January 2020, 4:16) complain
This puzzle is for me the very best type: great image, entertaining and insightful exchange with the author, humour, and ... you guessed it: solvable without using any x’s.
TimC (29 November 2021, 13:28) complain
Hey, Ivan, could you give us the bully with the slingshot?
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