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Japanese crossword «Girl Zhenya and old man Borovichok (Pipe and jug)»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:05.12.19Author: Yvan

msat (9 December 2019, 4:24) complain
And the moral of the story: You've got to work hard.
Sheryl_Hill (16 December 2019, 23:14) complain
Pipe and Pitcher is a Russian children's story in which Zhenya is supposed to pick berries (strawberries)? for her family. There are variations, but generally she has a pitcher to fill, but doesn't want to squat down to look for the berries under the leaves. Old Man Borovich has a pipe which causes the berries to peek out from the leaves. He will trade the pipe for the pitcher. It works, but now Zhenya has no place to put the berries. She asks Borovich for both the pipe and the pitcher, but he says he doesn't wish to help a lazy child. In the end she takes the pitcher and squats down to get the berries so her family can eat.
show: 2 🗨
Sheryl_Hill (16 December 2019, 23:16) complain
The pipe is the musical instrument Zhenya is playing in this picture.
TimC (23 January 2021, 17:02) complain
Thanks for that Sheryl, very interesting. But if the girl takes the pitcher, does she give the pipe back?
brumeux77 (10 January 2020, 0:36) complain
And here's me thinking it's a woman on a shooting rampage, with people fleeing in terror.
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