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Japanese crossword «Spectacled Bear»

Size: 39x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:15.11.19Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

Guest: Puzzlings (16 November 2019, 3:49) complain
Excellent and beautiful detail!! I love your work! Please keep up the detail and passion I see in every one of your puzzles!
Author Big_Angry_Wolf (21 November 2019, 22:30) complain
Thank you all for your feedback! I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner. I thought that none of the English speakers did not write to me:/
And then, I looked at the English version of the site and realized that the reviews are separate.
prusky3754 (2 January 2021, 22:26) complain
Very nice. Keep up the good work. AND THANKS !!
Ellymayc (28 June 2022, 8:01) complain
Agree, I love the detail and the way the image builds gradually and logically. Thank you!
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