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Japanese crossword «Kirovets»

Size: 13x8Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:15.11.19Author: yec72

GulfCoastGuppy (16 November 2019, 1:11) complain
bjmgeek (16 November 2019, 1:32) complain
Kirovets is a brand of tractor. This was fun to do and looks nice for such a small picture.
The-Nono-Gram (16 November 2019, 8:01) complain
Good for beginners who want to try their hand at not using Xs.
show: 11 🗨
brumeux77 (23 December 2019, 19:06) complain
I can't stand it any more. I've seen about 7,382 comments about not using Xs and I don't understand. Even if you don't actively put Xs in, as soon as you've filled up all the correct black boxes the Xs are automatically put in. If that's all it means, it doesn't seem worth commenting on.
show: 9 🗨
jfallen (28 December 2019, 3:03) complain
You can turn that off. Uncheck "Fill in the solved lines/columns with crosses" and uncheck "Switch on crossing out numbers automatically".
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (9 October 2020, 2:28) complain
Thank you.
greghafa (27 July 2020, 5:37) complain
It's harder than normal, so yes, it is worth mentioning.
It would be *even* harder without the automatic Xs, which I haven't tried yet.
jfallen, thanks for telling us how.

It's just different levels of challenging yourself.
The-Nono-Gram (25 August 2020, 22:40) complain
It's all about critical thinking skills and how to exercise them. Even if a puzzle is "easy" you can find ways to challenge yourself and encourage others to do so.
show: 5 🗨
Femme_Appeal (11 March 2021, 9:43) complain
Or you enjoy the ease of these puzzles, when you want to keep your fingers busy while watching a movie or listening to an audiobook. ;D

It's interesting to see the different ways that people like to challenge themselves. I have aphantasia and there are few graphic-type puzzles I can process well enough to enjoy, but the simple math of nongrams works in my brain. This site is basically a fidget toy for me. I never even look at how long they take.

When I want to work my mind and focus my attention, I'll do a Zebra Puzzle or play a PnC adventure game. Probably the product of an brain that operates almost entirely on language.
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (11 March 2021, 20:37) complain
I had to look aphantasia up only to find that I didn't realize people actually see pictures in their head.
Onono (25 January 2024, 5:27) complain
I've never doubted that not using Xs added to the challenge, but it's about logical, not critical, thinking skills.
show: 2 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (25 January 2024, 7:19) complain
Leave it to you to split hairs just to get me to say HI! :D
show: 1 🗨
Onono (25 January 2024, 10:20) complain
Yeah. Hi.
John_Robertshaw (25 August 2020, 13:31) complain
I see what you mean - perhaps you should explain that you turn off automatic Xs?
andy11 (20 September 2024, 1:29) complain
Interesting about the x's. NOW I understand. Like the image.
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