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Japanese crossword «And day and night the cat scientist all walks on a chain around...»

Size: 15x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:11.11.19Author: Yvan

John_Robertshaw (12 November 2019, 3:34) complain
I think that I have got this - from the title!
Sorry that the explanation is so long & involved (just like the title!)
Ruslan and Ludmila, a poem by Alexander Pushkin, published in 1820 starts with the lines:
By the sea stands a green oak tree;
A golden chain strung round it:
And on the chain a learned cat
Day and night circles round it;
Walking right, he sings a song,
Walking left, he tells a tale.
show: 11 🗨
John_Robertshaw (12 November 2019, 3:34) complain
But then it gets more interesting!
As it turns out, the old “oak” was technically a mulberry tree, but, as some Taganrog residents were quick to observe, “Pushkin was under no obligation to know botany.” The tree burned in a fire in June 2002, to the despair of the region’s Pushkin lovers. Local businessmen called in a team of scientists from Rostov-on-Don. They set out to clone the tree, using living tissue recovered from the stump.
And that's why the title refers to the cat scientist!
Am I right Yvan - am I right???
This is the best nonogram ever!
Not only a excellent image - but a very cryptic puzzle in the brilliant title!!
So very, very well done!
show: 9 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (12 November 2019, 6:10) complain
Hey thanks so much for the explanation. I really like it when people take an interest around the puzzle.
show: 2 🗨
John_Robertshaw (12 November 2019, 12:28) complain
And - no sign of the spoiler police - yet!
show: 1 🗨
William_Graendel (12 November 2019, 13:43) complain
Sheryl_Hill (12 November 2019, 7:44) complain
Wow, John! Thanks! So interesting!
Author Yvan (12 November 2019, 12:42) complain
You are right. This scene from this poem.
msat (13 November 2019, 13:24) complain
Awesome, John Robertshaw. Your explanation is fabulous! And congrats to Yvan for another interesting and effective puzzle. Your creativity amazes me!
pfh (13 December 2019, 0:56) complain
Good detective work
TimC (8 December 2020, 15:32) complain
Very interesting! A good puzzle, history, poetry and philosophy all thrown together! Thank you John! But no witty comments with this one!!
GloriaAriki (1 December 2023, 0:33) complain
GloriaAriki (1 December 2023, 0:32) complain
Sheryl_Hill (12 November 2019, 7:44) complain
Really, really excellent!!!
nemo11 (12 November 2019, 17:52) complain
Absolutely brilliant!!! 5 star rating. Love the explanation John_Robertshaw - I'm learning so much from this site and am now completely addicted to nonograms!
Lagan (14 November 2019, 9:21) complain
Worth it. I haven't seen a poem inspired Nonogram since they can be very restrictive
Susagger2 (3 May 2020, 6:46) complain
Who would have known. Thank you John-Robertshaw and to you Yvan.
jmc338 (3 March 2024, 4:32) complain
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