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Japanese crossword «Lady»

Size: 40x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:01.11.19Author: Tverianka

Ellymayc (2 November 2019, 7:00) complain
Elegant :)
SomeoneExisting (4 November 2019, 4:52) complain
This puzzle took me 2 hours and 35 minutes, I even needed to use the correction part of this website to get past this one bit that I was stuck at. It would've taken a lot longer if I hadn't used it. The image is very beautiful and I'd recommend anyone with experience and time on their hands to give it a try :) A great use of my time, especially when I should be studying for a major test ! :D
GulfCoastGuppy (6 November 2019, 1:25) complain
I agree with DoubtRabbit. I got stuck and took one guess rather than use a hint. Very satisfying to see the outcome. I would also say very elegant! Great difficulty rating and well worth it. Thank you Tverianka!
Georgia_Mallotidou (10 November 2019, 12:17) complain
Very beautiful image, thank you Tverianka!
jan_h_skov (12 January 2020, 3:01) complain
Another beautiful picture from your hand Tverianka. Thanks.
Janet (22 June 2020, 1:09) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
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