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Japanese crossword «Arctic Loon»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:31.10.19Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

smartymarty (1 November 2019, 12:48) complain
Nice image of a slightly nondescript subject. Easy going though
m1kado (1 November 2019, 21:22) complain
love it BAW
SomeoneExisting (3 November 2019, 6:27) complain
Was hoping for something Halloween related since it was uploaded on Halloween, sadly, it did not meet my expectation. I've never heard of what the image is and had to search it up. It wasn't too difficult, just takes some time. Thank you for this.
Deb54 (5 November 2019, 2:34) complain
Loons are a part of my summer, and have been since my childhood. I feel so blessed to know the song of a loon; and this image immediately triggered that amazing sound. You did a beautiful job of the "necklace". Thank you.
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