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Japanese crossword «Football»

Size: 20x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:20.10.19Author: yec72

The-Nono-Gram (21 October 2019, 1:08) complain
Great sense of motion.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (21 October 2019, 2:52) complain
Hard to get all that in a small space - minimalist. Good one.
magis (21 October 2019, 7:46) complain
it's moving! :-)
tsz (21 October 2019, 12:50) complain
The one on the right has a swollen hand
show: 1 🗨
Onono (29 January 2024, 9:05) complain
If that's so, then he's also missing a piece of his spine and he's kicking a square ball, and who knows what's going on with his opponent At this resolution, you can't read too much into the image.
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