Japanese crossword «Pis boy»
Size: 19x20 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 10.10.19 | Author: viva8844 |
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This image doesn't belong here in a family friendly website.
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It's actually a famous landmark in Brussels - "Manneken Pis". It's a bit cheeky, but I would still consider it family friendly.
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viva8844, this is the first I've seen of your very original work.
replyi'm with RosiesMom on this, not appropriate.
I would appreciate being able to filter out certain Authors who continually post pictures that I do not like for many reasons.
replyI would appreciate being able to filter out certain Authors who continually post pictures that I do not like for many reasons.
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if the title had been Mannekenpis, noone would have argued...
replyReally fun to solve! Thank you! I hope we see many more small black and white puzzles from you!
replyThe picture (and some of the comments) made me laugh.
Nothing family-unfriendly about this! Do you have family members who don't pee?
replyNothing family-unfriendly about this! Do you have family members who don't pee?
Ahah! This is so cool! It is very well known in our part of Europe :D And not at all offensive or inappropriate ;D
Thanks viva8844!
replyThanks viva8844!
What a clash of cultures in the comment section. If anything, the title's more off-putting to me than the image, but I assume it's just a poor translation.
replyPersonally, I never thought the statue deserved its fame. But certainly no one walking by shields their children's eyes on the grounds that it's not family friendly.