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Japanese crossword «Bird's nest»

Size: 55x80Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:02.10.19Author: Irina-belko61

deidaq (4 October 2019, 18:04) complain
Very nice. I like these big ones that aren't impossible to solve, and I always love a good bottom-up solve. Lovely, detailed image. Good work!
Mairsybeth (5 October 2019, 18:40) complain
Beautiful! Nice detail. Took awhile to complete, but well worth it.
smartymarty (9 October 2019, 11:06) complain
This is a big and difficult puzzle, so takes quite a while! The image is beautifully done, so I assume it's the work of a gifted artist. Overall I enjoyed it. Thank you!
jan_h_skov (25 October 2019, 0:05) complain
Thanks. What a beautiful picture. And a good brain-puzzle.
VergZi (28 January 2022, 21:17) complain
People sure don't know how to grade. Way too easy.
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